The Pretender Gone

You may have noticed that the front page is missing Upcoming Episodes for The Pretender. Why is this? Because TNT dropped The Pretender from it’s lineup. Why didn’t we expect this? Since The Pretender was on NBC, Jarod and company has been fighting a never-ending battle to stay on the air and it happened again.

What should we do?
The only thing we can. Start writing TNT emails and letters. You can email TNT at or write them at:

1050 Techwood Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

Please do NOT be cruel. Make it something witty or extremely nice. Don’t make them mad simply show them that we are watching and we want Jarod back on the TV. Maybe they’ll get the hint.


I have been a Pretender fan from the beginning. Jarod's story hooked me immediately and I started my PHQ journey on the then NBC message board for "The Centre" where fans could chat or roll play. My friend and I developed a whole story with friends online and eventually I started building a site mainly for the show but with a section with RP information for all those involved. As our online RPG faded that section eventually did too but my passion for The Pretender has not and I have revamp and moved this site 4 times: Geocities, ThePretenderCentre, Weebly and now my own hosting.