- Post published:February 6, 2020
- Post category:

Operating System
Subject: Broots

Name: Broots
Position: Tech Specialist/Investigator
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown/Bald
Status: Working for the Centre, Miss Parker’s Team
Broots’ background is basically what you see. All we know is that when he was little he was infected with the measles and had to be hospitalized.
Broots has an older brother, an ex-wife, and a daughter – named Debbie.
Broots took off time at the Centre for his personal use. It was then discovered that Broots was in a custody battle with his ex-wife over Debbie Broots. Broots’ ex-wife wanted money for Debbie, but Broots was not willing to pay her off every time she thought she wanted to be a mother. Jarod helped Broots by turning over information to the courts that the ex-Mrs. Broots was an unfit mother and Debbie went to live with her father who loves her very much.
Broots has been known, on more then one occasion, to put himself in danger to help Miss Parker. Broots has even helped Jarod when the need arose.
In 99, Broots was running from the Centre and a man named Damon, because he was a witness to a crime at a Centre Data Annex. Jarod helped keep Broots alive and straighten everything out so Broots and his daughter would be safe.
Broots is currently working for the Centre on the Jarod retrieval project. He lives in the suburbs with his daughter Debbie.
Broots is currently helping Miss Parker coop with her family history and her real father, Mr. Raines.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
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