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Subject: Broots

Name: Broots
Position: Tech Specialist/Investigator
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown/Bald
Status: Working for the Centre, Miss Parker’s Team


Broots’ background is basically what you see. All we know is that when he was little he was infected with the measles and had to be hospitalized.

Broots has an older brother, an ex-wife, and a daughter – named Debbie.

Broots took off time at the Centre for his personal use. It was then discovered that Broots was in a custody battle with his ex-wife over Debbie Broots. Broots’ ex-wife wanted money for Debbie, but Broots was not willing to pay her off every time she thought she wanted to be a mother. Jarod helped Broots by turning over information to the courts that the ex-Mrs. Broots was an unfit mother and Debbie went to live with her father who loves her very much.

Broots has been known, on more then one occasion, to put himself in danger to help Miss Parker. Broots has even helped Jarod when the need arose.

In 99, Broots was running from the Centre and a man named Damon, because he was a witness to a crime at a Centre Data Annex. Jarod helped keep Broots alive and straighten everything out so Broots and his daughter would be safe.

Broots is currently working for the Centre on the Jarod retrieval project. He lives in the suburbs with his daughter Debbie.

Broots is currently helping Miss Parker coop with her family history and her real father, Mr. Raines.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Big Mutumbo

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Subject: Big Mutumbo

Name: Big Mutumbo
Position: Founder/Triumvirate
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Status: Deceased


Big Mutumbo was the founder of the Triumvirate and the Centre. He ran everything from his home and base in Africa. Mutumbo was very interested in the Gemini Project and the Pretender Project. His wishes were always that Jarod be brought back to the Centre, as soon as possible.

During the Summer of 1999, while Jarod was at the Centre, Big Mutumbo relocated Mr. Parker and Mr. Raines to Africa, where he reeducated them both until Mr. Parker left. Mr. Raines returned and “religious” man, while Mr. Parker remained on the run. Big Mutumbo was murdered a short time later, his eyes were also gouged out.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Brigitte

Name: Brigitte
Position: Investigator/Assassin
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown/Blonde
Status: Deceased

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Little is known about Brigitte. She arrived at the Centre shortly after Mr. Lyle and it is believed Mr. Lyle recruited her. Brigitte was a major players in a T-board designed to bring out the Centre leak. As luck would have it, Brigitte came by the whereabouts of Jarod, but she was unable to catch him or the leak.

Upon Brigitte’s arrival it was believed she was British. The day she tried to assassinate Mr. Parker it was discovered by Miss Parker, who also stopped her, that Brigitte didn’t have an accent. Despite Brigitte’s actions, she later reappeared as Mr. Parker’s fiancee, and eventually becomes his wife.

Brigitte played a major roll in the capture of Jarod in May of 1999. She also tried to stop Mr. Raines from assassinating her husband, Mr. Parker. Miss Parker was shot instead. After this, Brigitte and Mr. Parker went on the run. After Brigitte, gave birth to a baby boy, she died but not before telling Miss Parker that she killed Thomas Gates. Brigitte also explained that the orders came from above her but she was unsure from who. After the arrival of Mr. Parker’s heir it became harder to deny his claim to the Centre.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Catherine Parker

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Subject: Catherine Parker

Name: Catherine Jamison Parker
Ability: Inner Sense
Position: Facilitator
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
DOB: 1936
Status: Deceased

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Catherine Jamison was born in 1936. She lived in St. Catherine of the Hills convent with Harriet Tashman in 1940’s or 50’s. She married Mr. Parker in the early 50’s. She gave birth to twins, Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle, on January 3, 1960. She was hospitalized on November 27, 1969 for numerous injuries after having an argument with Mr. Raines. She was killed on April 13, 1970 in the main elevator of the Centre. This was ruled a suicide, however, evidence has changed that assessment.

Believed to be working with a Mr. Fenigor on removing several children, including Jarod, Timmy/Angelo, and Miss Parker. Also, believed to have released several children. It was also learned that she was trying to help Jarod’s family save him and Kyle when she was “killed” in the elevator.

New evidence has proved that not only was Catherine Parker murdered but she was kept alive long enough to give birth to another child. Catherine Parker faked her death in order to save her life. Her attempts proved futile as she was murdered sometime at the end of 1970 after giving birth to Ethan. It is believed that the Centre was attempting to create a Pretender with the “inner sense” that Catherine Parker possessed. It is also believed that the orders to kill Catherine Parker came from Mr. Parker himself. Apparently the Centre impregnated her with Major Charles sperm samples and the product was Ethan.

New Evidence shows that Raines hide Catherine Parker out at his house in the woods until she gave birth to Ethan, which we believe happened sometime at the end of 1970, and then he executed her.

Additional Information

Catherine had a sister named Dorothy.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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The Director

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Subject: The Director

Name: Unknown
Position: Triumvirate Director
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Active


“Madam Director” has only been spotted on one occasion (November 1996), but she was also mentioned by Sydney in April of 1997. In November of 1996, the Director agreed to a “deal” between Sydney and Jarod: Sydney would forward Jarod a single image of his mother, and Jarod in return would give back to Sydney some of the DSAs he had taken from The Centre when he escaped. Both Jarod and Sydney fully believed that the deal had been sanctioned by all of the big-wigs at The Centre, and only realized at the very last minute that they were being double-crossed. Jarod received the FAXed image of Margaret from Sydney, but when Jarod tried to return the DSAs to Sydney the exchange was thwarted by the arrival of Miss Parker and a team of Sweepers bent on capturing Jarod as soon as he showed himself. Jarod held onto the DSAs and evaded capture. In April of 1997, Sydney disclosed to his psychiatrist that he was unable to “trust anyone of authority at The Centre,”including the Director. The Director’s true identity is unknown.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Edna Raines

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Subject: Edna Raines

Name: Edna Raines
Ability: Physician
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Red
Status: Deceased

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Edna married Mr. Raines and the two had a child named Annie who was murdered by a serial killer. Edna worked in the Centre infirmary as a physician and was friends with Catherine Parker. It was believed that Edna had committed suicide around the time of Catherine’s supposed death.

In April of 2000, after Miss Parker, Broots, and Sydney discovered that Edna was not dead but very much alive and living at the “Pratt Institute” (which Miss Parker calls an insane asylum). When they try finding her they learn that she’d escaped. After returning to Blue Cove, Miss Parker puts Broots on high alert to find Edna who shows up on her doorstep confused and calling Miss Parker, Catherine. Sydney tells Miss Parker that 20 years of being sedated is bound to have taken its toll on Edna. Miss Parker is convinced there is an important reason that Edna Raines came to find her mother and that the only reason that The Centre would have hidden her away all this time is because Edna knows their secrets. Miss Parker wants to know them, too, and tells Sydney that they should get Angelo to see if he can help get inside of Edna’s mind.

Once alone with Edna, Miss Parker asks Edna why Mr. Raines has kept her “doped up” for the past twenty years … she wants to know what Edna knows … but no matter what Miss Parker says to her, Edna only replies, “So good to see you again, Catherine.” Frustrated, Miss Parker says that she is not Catherine – she tells her that her mother, Catherine, has been dead a very long time. As she walks away, Edna suddenly says, “How are your mumps, little Miss Parker?” Miss Parker asks her why she came to see her and Edna tells her that she came because of “Mirage.” Miss Parker wants to know what “Mirage” is … and Edna tells her that it was her mother’s work — work she’d hoped that Miss Parker would finish. Miss Parker asks her what kind of work it is – but Edna slips back into her non-communicative state – just staring off into space. Miss Parker rushes to Broots, leaving Edna in Sam’s care. When Sydney and Miss Parker return they discover that she has given Sam the slip.

Things get stranger when Miss Parker has Broots start digging for Mirage and a sweeper dies trying to bring her information. Miss Parker also notices she is loosing email and when Broots looks into it he finds a video email and discovers that Mr. Raines has intercepted it. Miss Parker has him go after the email. Once they access the email they discover a video message from Edna to Miss Parker stating that it is time she learned about her mothers work and that she needs to reply to the email so they can meet. She also says it is a matter of life or death which makes Miss Parker wonder if Edna is alright considering Raines got to the email before her.

At The Centre, Miss Parker has received a cyber-postcard from Jarod. It shows Edna Raines, a picture of Mr. Raines, a picture of Catherine Parker, a picture of a building and a picture of Miss Parker as a child with Catherine. Jarod narrates the post card – saying that now that Edna has escaped where her husband has kept her captive for so many years, she has something that she wants to tell Miss Parker about Mirage” and that she will consider it her redemption to tell Miss Parker. However, she can’t “come home” because there are too many sweepers looking for her. The message that Edna passes along is that no matter what happens, she wants Miss Parker to keep digging for the truth – the secret that her mother wanted her to find is buried out there.

Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots finally locate Edna, but it is too late as they walk in on Mr. Raines putting a sheet over her body. Raines claims that Edna took her own life but Sydney isn’t buying it.

The clues Edna left for Miss Parker led her to discover that her mother didn’t die in the elevator but was killed by Raines after giving birth to Ethan.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Gar

Name: Gar
Ability: Sweeper
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: White
Status: Deceased


Little is known about Gar. He worked as a sweeper for The Centre for many years and was loyal to Mr. Raines. Gar died in an explosion on SL-27 in May of 1998 and is eventually blamed for the incident.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Jacob

Name: Jacob
Ability: Special Expediter
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Grey
Status: Deceased


Sydney’s twin brother. He was once a “Special Expediter” at The Centre and was responsible, in part, for processing the children for The Centre’s Pretender project: PRODIGY. He was the one who signed-off on the paperwork that transferred Jarod to the custody of The Centre, but it was Mr. Fenigor who actually had Jarod abducted.

When Jacob attempted complain about his duties and to leave The Centre, he was threatened by Mr. Raines… and a few days later severely injured in an automobile accident (on August 2, 1967) that left him comatose. Sydney had been keeping Jacob at the Mount Pleasant Home and was seeing to his on-going treatment, but had to move Jacob to another location when Mr. Raines found out that Jacob was still alive and sent Miss Parker to the Mount Pleasant Home with Sweepers to kill him.

In December of 1996, Jarod experimented with the Halstrom Technique: a therapy meant to revive coma patients. The therapy worked on Jacob for a short period of time, and during his lucid moments, Jacob told Sydney about the mysterious “SL-27”, and absolved Sydney of the guilt he felt over the accident that had left Jacob in his 30+ year coma. (Sydney had been driving the car in which Jacob was injured.) Before losing consciousness again, Jacob scribbled a note to Sydney: “Not Your Fault”.

In January of 1998, Jacob was again revived briefly by a viral brain infection that re-awakened the damaged part of his brain and allowed him the opportunity to again speak with Sydney. Unfortunately, the virus that re-awakened him also killed him in less than a day, so Sydney was unable to get much information out of him except a cryptic hand-written note that read: “GENE”.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mr. Cox

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Subject: Mr. Cox

Name: Mr. Cox
Ability: OB-GYN/Taxidermy
File No: 6481
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Centre Projects

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We know next to nothing about Mr. Cox. We do know his father is a mortician and they were close when he was younger. They still appear to be close and his father helps him with his hobby, taxidermy. In October 99, Mr. Cox appeared at the Centre after warnings from Jarod saying that the grim reaper was coming to the Centre. In January of 2000, we discovered, not only is Mr. Cox on Mr. Parker’s side but he is Brigitte’s obstetrician. He checked out Brigitte and reported she was dead. He then burned down the cabin she was in. He has since helped to kidnap Zoe, Jarod’s girlfriend, in hopes that Jarod would come to rescue her and be captured. Mr. Cox is still at the Centre despite the fact that his plan to capture Jarod through Zoe backfired when Major Charles showed up to save Zoe and Jarod went in search of Ethan.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mr. Fenigor

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Subject: Mr. Fenigor

Name: Mr. Fenigor
Ability: Facilitator
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Bald
Status: Deceased


In January of 1996, on DSAs from the time of Catherine Parker’s death, Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney discover the existence of Mr. Fenigor. Catherine had been working with Mr. Fenigor to rescue children from The Centre. Just before he was supposed to help Catherine rescue Angelo and Jarod, Catherine was murdered. Both Jarod and Miss Parker were attempting to find out more about Mr. Fenigor, but for a long while neither one of them had been able to find out exactly who he is. Miss Parker said she wasn’t certain if he was her mother’s friend or betrayer. And Jarod has said that finding Fenigor was paramount: “He holds the secrets to both our pasts.”

In May of 1998, Jarod lured Miss Parker to the Dover Town Bank, and there introduced her to Mr. Fenigor: a fragile-looking, wizened old man who had been banking at the facility (the same one in which Catherine Parker had a safe deposit box) for over two decades. Every Friday, Mr. Fenigor came into the bank to draw money out of his trust fund account: and account that was supplied with $10,000 every month (for 28 years) from, Jarod had discovered, Mr. Parker’s personal account. Mr. Parker was paying Mr. Fenigor “hush money”.

When Jarod and Miss Parker confronted Mr. Fenigor and both pleaded and demanded that he tell them what he knew about Jarod’s past and Catherine Parker’s death, Mr. Fenigor at first claimed he didn’t know what they were talking about, then tearfully (and very frightened) told them he simply couldn’t tell them anything. When the Dover Town Bank was taken over by bank robbers, Mr. Fenigor was shot, and Jarod and Miss Parker worked together to save his life. In response to their effort, Mr. Fenigor gave Jarod the key to his safe deposit box, and promised both Jarod and Miss Parker that if they could get him out of the bank alive, he’d tell them both everything he knew.

In his safe deposit box was a printout of the money-exchange transactions (regarding the “hush money”) that proved that Mr. Fenigor’s trust fund money was coming from The Centre, and more specifically, from Mr. Parker himself. The box also included some cash, a pocket watch, and a manila envelope with the word JAROD scribbled across the front of it. Jarod asked what the envelope contained, and Mr. Fenigor told him that it was information concerning PRODIGY. “This is where you came from,” he said.

The envelope Jarod had found contained information about a fertility clinic in Georgia called NuGenesis… a facility which worked hand-in-hand with The Centre on PRODIGY: an experiment to try to hyper-stimulate areas of the brains of specific children in the hopes of creating Pretenders out of them. Jarod was a natural Pretender, and was being used as a sort of human “blueprint” for the others.

When the bank robbery concluded, Jarod and Miss Parker saw to it that Mr. Fenigor, who needed medical attention, was aided by paramedics. Outside of the bank, on a gurney, on his way to an awaiting ambulance, Mr. Fenigor told Miss Parker that the information she was looking for was in the PRODIGY “Red Files”, but he was unable to tell her anything else. A sniper in the building across the street from the bank — who was a Centre operative — shot Mr. Fenigor. The bullet was diverted, however, thanks to a valiant effort by Broots, and although Mr. Fenigor was wounded by the Centre bullet, he didn’t die. He was later transported to the infirmary at The Centre and kept there under heavy sedation.

A barely conscious Fenigor told Miss Parker and Jarod that Catherine Parker had been murdered by “the man in the dark suit” whom Fenigor said was Jarod’s father.

In October of 1998, Fenigor reappeared in the Renewal Wing of The Centre… brainwashed into believing The Centre was an altruistic organization whose primary goal was to help people. He had no memory of his interaction with Catherine Parker, Miss Parker or Jarod.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mr. Parker

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Subject: Mr. Parker

Name: Mr. Parker
Ability: Centre Director
File No: 33
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: White/Balding
Status: Classified


He married Catherine Jamison who became pregnant with twins. At birth, the male twin was pronounced dead. Mr. Parker apparently was in some plot to impregnate Catherine with Major Charles’ sperm and succeeded. It appears that he then had Catherine murdered. He raised Miss Parker with nanny’s and foreign schools, only to have her return to work for the Centre. In October of 98, it was officially announced that Mr. Lyle was Miss Parker’s twin that supposedly dies at birth. However, when told Mr. Parker appeared to already know. He has since been behind a plot to impregnate Brigitte and have her eliminated; however, Brigitte had a rare condition that meant she would bleed to death after giving birth. Mr. Parker had been running from the Centre before then, but after Brigitte died he took his place again running the Centre.

After Miss Parker discovered the evil truth of her family and that Mr. Parker wasn’t her father, he jumped from an airplane for what purpose it is not clear. His whereabouts are unknown at this time.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mr. Raines

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Subject: Mr. Raines

Name: Dr. William Raines/Abel Parker
Ability: Psychologist
File No: 34
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Bald
Status: Personnel Supervisor, Projects Manager

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Dr. William Raines has been with the Centre as long as anyone can remember. At first, it seemed he was above Mr. Parker, but with the ever changing ranks at the Centre, Mr. Parker soon put Raines in his place.

Raines’ wife was named Edna and they had a child together. Her name was Annie. She was kidnapped and murdered when Jarod was a young boy. The Centre tried to have Jarod help with the search for the kidnapper; however, by the time they found him it was too late. Sometime after that, Mr. Raines got Jarod hooked on drugs and then killed an orderly who told Raines what he has done to Jarod was wrong.

Raines became the keeper of Kyle, Jarod’s brother. Raines brainwashed Kyle into behaving like a sociopath. It seemed Raines had done something like this before with a boy named Dannie who turned into a sociopath named Einnad. Einnad was drugged and brainwashed by Raines. To cover his tracks with Einnad/Dannie, Raines tried to have Einnad murdered.

Years after, Edna Raines disappeared and everyone assumed she was dead. However; in April 2000, Miss Parker discovered she was still alive and in an institution. Apparently she lost her mind and Raines put her there. After Miss Parker found her, Edna escaped from the hospital and started to leave messages for Miss Parker about Catherine Parker. Raines had Edna killed because she knew too much.

In May 2000, Miss Parker learned that Raines had killed her mother months after she has supposedly already died and after giving birth to Ethan.

In 2001, it was discovered that Rains was born Able Parker but was given up because he was the weak son. Mr. Raines is now running the Centre. Also in has come to everyone’s attention that Raines is Mr. Parker’s brother and Miss Parker and Lyle’s father.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Sam

Name: Sam
Position: Sweeper
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Part of Miss Parker’s Team


Sam has worked for the Centre for many years and has become a loyal follower of Miss Parker. He has assisted her in her pursuit of Jarod and help in the original capture of Kyle before Jarod broke him out again. Sam has put his job on the line doing personal favors for Miss Parker, such as, watching Debbie Broots when Mr. Broots was suspected of being a traitor to the Centre. Sam as also kept the whereabouts of Edna Raines a secret when Miss Parker had her at her home.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Sydney

Name: Sydney
Ability: Psychologist
File No: 35
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Grey
Status: Centre Project Manager


Sydney was in World War II and was in a concentration camp with his twin brother, Jacob. Little else is known about this time.

Both, Jacob and Sydney, were recruited into the Centre. Jacob was one of the people who was stealing children and he had a hand in Jarod’s abduction. Sydney and Jacob were in a car arguing over Jarod, when Sydney, who was driving, ran off the road. Jacob was seriously injured and was not able to function later on in life, which is believe to also be brought on by something else.

Sydney, helped take care of Jarod while he stayed at the Centre, and seems to want him out in the world, despite the fact he chases him. Sydney became the person who took care of Jarod’s clone when he found out about the boy. In February of 2000, it was discovered that Sydney had hired a young intern in the early days of the Pretender Project (involving Jarod) and one night they were in a car accident and the Centre told him she had died. Sydney found out she hadn’t died and was angry.

Sydney also has a son with a woman named Michelle who worked for the Centre. The Centre told her they would kill Sydney unless she left him and the Centre. She did and was not able to tell Sydney she was pregnant. Sydney’s son’s name is Nicholas and they are now on good terms.

In December of 2001, Sydney and Broots discovered that Mr. Parker’s brother is Mr. Raines. They also discovered that Raines is Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle’s biological father.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mr. White

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Subject: Mr. White

Name: Mr. White
Position: Special Investigator
File No: 6293
Sex: Male
Eye: Yellow
Hair: White
Status: Centre Special Projects

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We know nearly nothing about Mr. White except he is working with Lyle and possible Mr. Cox. White told Jarod when they came face to face that he was hired to find Jarod’s family and kill them. This makes us think that he has knowledge about Jarod’s family. He also found Emily; however, Emily gave him the slip.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Willie

Name: Willie
Ability: Sweeper
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Centre Sweeper


Willie has worked for the Centre for many years and has become a loyal follower of Raines. Willie has participated in the attempted capture of Jarod on many occasions and is often the reason Jarod gets away.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Angelo

Name: Angelo/Timmy
Ability: Empath
File No: 53
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Centre Resident


Angelo was raised within the Centre after he was stolen from his parents. Angelo was originally named Timmy. When Timmy was brought to the Centre he was believed to possess some remarkable ability; however, it was soon discovered that he was not as special as first anticipated. Mr. Raines was working on a project that involved shock therapy at the time and decided to try it on Timmy. This scared Timmy’s brain leaving him disconnected from normal reality. However, Angelo now has a remarkable skill to get into someone’s head. His is able to Profile a person who owned the object he holds and often helps us to locate a person. However, this has not worked well with Jarod. It is believed Angelo doesn’t wish to track Jarod and is covering for him.

In May of 1998, Sydney tried to bring Angelo out of his own world with a drug that would restore dead brain pathways. It appeared to be working when Angelo gathered his medication and left the Centre. Angelo found Jarod and helped Jarod to save another potential pretender named Davy. Mr. Raines had experimented on Davy in the same manner that he had on Angelo. Jarod synthesized more of Angelo’s medication to give to Davy; however, Miss Parker broke the vile and Angelo gave up his last does to save the boy. Angelo regressed back to his prior self permanently.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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  • Post published:February 5, 2020
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Return to PHQ / Centre Access / Data Annex / Red Files / Dannie-Einnad

Subject: Dannie/Einnad

Name: Dannie or Einnad
Ability: Pretender
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Institutionalized


Once Daniel Hilton Minor, a child suffering from “mild depression”, Dannie was brought to The Centre in the 60’s, like Jarod, but his treatment was overseen by Dr. Raines. Raines kept Dannie in SL-27 until 1982, when a fire gutted that sub-level. Then Dannie was transferred to a psychiatric hospital and later to a warehouse, where Raines continued his mind-altering experiments on Dannie. Dannie was so traumatized by Raines that his psyche split into several distinct personalities. Two in particular: Dannie, a fragile child-like persona, and Einnad, an aggressive attacker-protector who assaults people with a straight razor whenever the Dannie personality is in danger of being harmed.

What was creepiest about Dannie’s situation was: the Einnad personality had become so powerful that it was pushing the Dannie personality aside. In the warehouse where Dannie was housed, Einnad took over, literally pushing Dannie into the walls of the building, while Einnad took over the main floor space of the warehouse.

Dannie is aware that Einnad exists, and once begged Miss Parker to shoot him (Dannie) so Einnad would be destroyed.

After attacking Mr. Raines in a parking lot at The Centre, Dannie/Einnad was found by Miss Parker, Syndey and Broots, rescued from his warehouse environment, and put into a mental institution under the care of Sydney.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Dara Andrews

  • Post published:February 5, 2020
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Return to PHQ / Centre Access / Data Annex / Red Files / Dara Andrews

Subject: Dara Andrews

Name: Dara Andrews
Ability: Unknown
Sex: Female
Status: Deceased


There is not a great deal of information in Dara’s file. She was one of Catherine’s rescued children. Miss Parker enlists Broots’ help finding the children from her mother’s “rescued” files which sends her to find Dara. When she arrives at Dara’s adoptive mother’s home the woman recognizes her as Catherine’s daughter. Miss Parker learns Dara died from a sudden illness months prior. Dara’s mother had a bracelet Dara wore when Catherine brought her to her and on the bracelet was the engraving SL27.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Davey Simpkins

  • Post published:February 5, 2020
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Return to PHQ / Centre Access / Data Annex / Red Files / Davey Simpkins

Subject: Davey Simpkins

Name: Davey Simpkins
Ability: Genius Ability/Empathic/Possible Pretender
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Status: At large


Davy Simpkins was a vital to the restart of the Prodigy Project. Davy, like Jarod and the other “Unlucky Ones”, was a child genius. Dr. Raines and Dr. DeWitt (of NuGenesis) were hoping to be able to use Davy to re-establish the Pretender Project. Davy was in foster care, but no mention was made as what had happened to his natural parents. After Jarod rescued him from Angel Manor, where Davy was being held before being transported to The Centre, Davy was then turned over to the Brewsters, and adoptive family whom Jarod had met while working briefly at NuGenesis himself. Jarod provided the Brewsters with the cash they would need to start a new life under assumed names, and to set up a trust fund for Davy.

It’s unknown at this time if Jarod and Davy are genetically matched (i.e., if they have the same familial or even parental lines), but we know they both carry the “anomaly” in their blood that predisposes them with “the gift” to be pretenders.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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  • Post published:February 5, 2020
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Return to PHQ / Centre Access / Data Annex / Red Files / Eddie

Subject: Eddie

Name: Eddie Ballinger
Ability: Pretender
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Status: Deceased


Eddie was stolen from his parents no long after Jarod. Eddie possessed the abilities of a Pretender; however, he was not a natural pretender. Eddie was given simulations to perform. When Jarod escaped in 1996, Eddie and Alex accompanied him. However, only Eddie and Jarod made it out. Once on the outside they went their separate ways and were not reunited until January of 2001 when Eddie was killed, by The Chameleon, which was later found out to be Alex.

Eddie had created a life for himself on the outside. He became an NSA Agent and had a family. Eddie was never tracked down because The Centre had no intention of bring him back to the Centre. The Centre wanted Jarod, a natural Pretender.

Eddie is killed by Alex in January of 2001 while Jarod is investigating assassinations among the NSA ranks.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

Accessing this system without proper clearance from the Triumvirate or a high level Centre official will result in immediate action and a T-Board review and may result in time spent on SL25 or in Renewal wing for re-education.

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  • Post published:February 5, 2020
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Return to PHQ / Centre Access / Data Annex / Red Files / Ethan

Subject: Ethan

Name: Ethan
Ability: Inner Sense
File No: 6593
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Status: At large


Ethan was born sometime at the end of ’70 or beginning of ’71. He is the product of an experiment at the Centre. Mr. Parker had Catherine Parker impregnated with Major Charles sperm. The Centre hoped Ethan would have Catherine’s sixth sense or inner sense and Jarod’s pretender skills. Ethan grew up in and out of the Centre. He was controlled mostly by Mr. Raines who made Ethan believe he could trust him.

Ethan’s foster parents died in May of 2000. Ethan discovered Jarod and Miss Parker are his siblings. Ethan also learned the voice in his head is his mother and he should listen to her.

Ethan has, apparently, done lots of terrorist actions upon the request of Mr. Raines. He rigged a subway to explode; however, when he discovered Jarod was his brother he wanted to stop the train, but he knew there was no way Jarod or he could. He helped Jarod to reroute the train so it exploded in a non-populated area. Miss Parker, Jarod, and Ethan all survived the explosion and Ethan later saved his sisters (Miss Parker) life.

Ethan appears to have been with Jarod up until January of 2001. His current location is unknown.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

Accessing this system without proper clearance from the Triumvirate or a high level Centre official will result in immediate action and a T-Board review and may result in time spent on SL25 or in Renewal wing for re-education.

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