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Subject: Angelo

Name: Angelo/Timmy
Ability: Empath
File No: 53
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Centre Resident


Angelo was raised within the Centre after he was stolen from his parents. Angelo was originally named Timmy. When Timmy was brought to the Centre he was believed to possess some remarkable ability; however, it was soon discovered that he was not as special as first anticipated. Mr. Raines was working on a project that involved shock therapy at the time and decided to try it on Timmy. This scared Timmy’s brain leaving him disconnected from normal reality. However, Angelo now has a remarkable skill to get into someone’s head. His is able to Profile a person who owned the object he holds and often helps us to locate a person. However, this has not worked well with Jarod. It is believed Angelo doesn’t wish to track Jarod and is covering for him.

In May of 1998, Sydney tried to bring Angelo out of his own world with a drug that would restore dead brain pathways. It appeared to be working when Angelo gathered his medication and left the Centre. Angelo found Jarod and helped Jarod to save another potential pretender named Davy. Mr. Raines had experimented on Davy in the same manner that he had on Angelo. Jarod synthesized more of Angelo’s medication to give to Davy; however, Miss Parker broke the vile and Angelo gave up his last does to save the boy. Angelo regressed back to his prior self permanently.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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