Project Alpha

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Project Alpha

Status: Inactive Project
File Number: N/A

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Project Alpha was a research project that was conducted on Ellesmere Island in the Arctic. The project was to map Jarod’s genome and get a complete DNA blueprint for The Centre.

Problems with this project can be linked back to Major Charles and Jarod.

Major Charles learned about the project through an unknown source and proceeded to steal project data.

We believe Angelo was the cause of the leak to Jarod. Jarod went to Ellesmere Island in search of his father and Project Alpha.

Dr. Moore attempted to salvage the project but ends up destroying the station due to Jarod’s meddling in Centre business.

This breach leads both Major Charles and Jarod to Project Gemini.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Pakor Frozen Foods

  • Post published:February 28, 2020
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LOCATION FILE: Pakor Frozen Foods

Name: Pakor Frozen Foods

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Status: Centre Owned

Pakor Frozen Foods is a Centre front for a genetic research lab which is connected to the Donoterase location. Dr. Raines’ Gemini Project was researched and developed at Pakor.

Despite efforts to keep the existence of this research lab from leaking out, Jarod was able to discover it’s location after he’d been to the Arctic Research Station the Centre was funding. At the facility he discovers Russell Osbourne who was a friend of his fathers. Osbourne sends Jarod to his daughter who gives him an empty folder Major Charles had. The folder has a label with Gemini on it and a phone number. This is the number to the Pakor Frozen Food facility.

Jarod then broke into the facility and found much of the genetic research being done but wasn’t privy to the details until he is reunited with Major Charles at the facility.

Jarod then was able to break into their systems from a remote location and realized Pakor is actually a biological parts storage facility. They also find the connect to NuGenesis where Major Charles and Margaret went for fertility treatment.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Dragon House

  • Post published:February 11, 2020
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Name: Dragon House

Location: Delphi Shores, New Jersey

Status: Centre Owned

Locate in Delphi Shores, New Jersey, this is a Centre safe house which was often frequented by Kyle. He said he felt “safe” there, and often did detailed drawings of the place in his blue notebooks…

In 1997, after he’d relocated and kidnapped Harriet Tashman, Kyle took Tashman to The Dragon House and tried to force her to tell him where his parents were. Tashman was eventually rescued from Kyle and The Dragon House by Jarod.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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LaGrange Air Strip

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LOCATION FILE: La Grange Air Strip

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Name: La Grange Air Strip

Location: Virginia

Status: Centre Owned

La Grange Air Strip is a secret, unmarked airfield in Virginia (3 hours from Washington, D.C.) owned and maintained by The Centre.

In October of 1996, Jarod flew a Draccon Jet to this air strip in the middle of the night, so he could get over to Washington, D.C. and break into the files of the Special Projects Office of the U.S. Air Force.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Hillman Marine

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LOCATION FILE: Hillman Marine

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Name: Hillman Marine

Location: Connecticut

Status: Centre Owned

Hillman Marine a riverfront Centre-owned warehouse facility on Connecticut, this is the “dumping ground” for all of the Centre’s mainframe computers around the country.

According to Broots: “Every Friday night at 11:59 PM all the Centre mainframes from all across the country do this mass back-up into this giant system [at Hillman] through their Blue Boxes…”

In March of 1998, Mr. Lyle tried to decrypt a stolen blue-box computer chip at Hillman Marine. He was intercepted by Miss Parker and shot, but escaped nonetheless.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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NuGenesis Family Group

  • Post published:February 11, 2020
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LOCATION FILE: NuGenesis Family Group

Name: NuGenesis Family Group

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Status: Centre Influenced

NuGenesis is a fertility clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, that prides itself on being on the cutting edge of reproductive science. In the 50’s and 60’s, however, it was also an adoption agency headed by the Haring brothers, Nicholas and Boris. “Weird things” started happening at NuGenesis when it teamed up with The Centre on the PRODIGY experiments. Dr. Boris Haring was the one over-seeing NuGenesis’s part of the project until he died.

Margaret and Major Charles went to NuGenesis for help in conceiving Jarod who was later abducted by the Centre.

After his death, the child kidnappings and experiments ceased for a while, then started up again several years later.. when Boris’s daughter, Dr. DeWitt, resumed the connection with The Centre and started working with Mr. Raines on re-establishing PRODIGY. Dr. Nicholas Haring is still living, and oversees NuGenesis’s artificial insemination wing.

Jarod, under the pseudonym Jarod Spock, worked at NuGenesis for a very short period of time while he searched for clues about his past and about Dr. DeWitt’s activities.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Oakview Lodge

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LOCATION FILE: Oakview Lodge

Name: Oakview Lodge

Location: Stone Mountain, Georgia

Status: Not in Centre Control

Located in Stone Mountain, Georgia, this was the place where Margaret and Charles stayed during the six month (+/-) period of time in the late 1950’s when they were going through fertility treatments at NuGenesis.

Jarod found out about the Lodge in 1998, when the telephone number of the Lodge was given to him by the janitor at NuGenesis. It’s currently being run by Louis, the caretaker, who “grew old, never up” at the Lodge, and whose parents knew Margaret and Charles.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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St. Catherine’s Children’s Center

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LOCATION FILE: St. Catherine’s Children’s Center

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Name: St. Catherine’s Children’s Center

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Status: Not in Centre Control

St. Catherine’s in Massachusetts should not be confused with Lake Catherine (where Ben Miller’s bed and breakfast is) or with the St. Catherine’s Children Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

The children’s center was one Jarod visited during his first Christmas outside of The Centre. It’s an orphanage run by Catholic nuns. Jarod volunteered at the center, read stories to the children, and eventually donated a large Christmas tree and presents for all of the displaced kids there. This was where he also learned about Santa Claus and “The Night Before Christmas” poem.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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St. Catherine’s of the Hills

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LOCATION FILE: St. Catherine’s of the Hills

Name: St. Catherine’s of the Hills

Location: Hillshire Meadows, Massachusetts

Status: Centre Surveilled

This half-monastery half-nunnery was where Catherine Jameson-Parker and Harriet Tashman studied to become nuns. Catherine didn’t go through with her vows, and instead married Mr. Parker. Harriet did become a nun, but gave up her commission when she realized she didn’t really have the calling for it.

The Centre, knowing about Catherine Jameson-Parker’s close ties to the facility, kept a wire-tap on the phone lines at St. Catherine’s for over 30 years (and it’s probably still active).

In 1997, when Kyle escaped from prison, Harriet returned to St. Catherine’s — either to seek refuge or to contact her associates there (or both), we’re not sure — and Kyle (dressed as a monk) found and kidnapped her from there. Jarod also arrived at the place just moments before Harriet was kidnapped, and attempted without success to stop Kyle.

It may be possible that Jarod’s mom, dad, and sister Emily are cloistered away in St. Catherine’s, or that others (whom we haven’t met yet) are working out of St. Catherine’s for Jarod’s benefit.

When Harriet was able to set up a meeting between Jarod and his family in Boston, it’s assumed that she went to St. Catherine’s to do it. Mr. Parker told his superiors that he had found about Jarod’s Boston rendezvous via the phone tap The Centre kept on St. Catherine’s.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Angel Manor

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Name: Angel Manor

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

Status: Centre Owned

Located in Charleston, South Carolina, this is a Centre safe house, and used to house those people whom Centre operative have kidnapped or are protecting.

Timmy (aka Angelo) was brought to Angel Manor as a child before he was transported to The Centre. Likewise, Davey Simpkins, was brought to Angel Manor in 1998 as a precursor to his induction (against his will) into the Pretender Project by Mr. Raines and Dr. DeWitt.

As far as we know, Jarod was never taken here as a child.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Tashman Farm

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Name: Tashman Farm

Location: Upstate New York

Status: Centre Surveilled

The Tashman Farm is owned by Harriet Tashman a long time friend of Catherine Parker. Catherine is the one who introduced Major Charles and Margaret to Harriet. Catherine wanted Harriet to help Jarod’s parents keep hidden from the Centre while the searched for Jarod.

Harriet owns the Tashman Farm and put Major Charles and Margaret up there for a time.

While there Joe Bill saw a small child watching him from the window. While staying at the Tashman Farm Jarod and Kyle’s sister Emily was born.

Jarod discovered this location in May of 1997. When Jarod reunited with Kyle he took Kyle to the farm.

The farm is of interest in case Jarod, Major Charles, or Margaret return to this location.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Charlevoix House

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LOCATION FILE: Charlevoix House

Name: Charlevoix House

Location: 240 RTE 1, Charlevoix, Michigan

Status: Centre Owned

Jarod obtained a file from Mr. Fenigor which contained information on NuGenesis Family Group n Atlanta, Georgia. With this information there was a business card with a ten digit key code written on the back: 12-072463-01. The information Jarod obtained also contained an address:


Jarod discovers the address is a home that burned down many years prior. The real estate agent informs him about the tragic circumstances around the fire. According to the real estate agent the couple who lived there had a son who was abducted shortly before the fire.

She wants to know if he’s interested in buying the property as she could contact the current owners: a company out of Blue Cove, Delaware.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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  • Post published:February 7, 2020
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Subject: Annie

Name: Annie Raines
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Interest: Daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Raines
Status: Deceased

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Annie was kidnapped in Snow Hill, Maryland, in 1975. At the time of her kidnapping, a young Jarod was tasked with getting into the mind of her kidnapper to determine her location. He was unwilling to go into such a dark place. As a result he was unable to help. She wasn’t found.

Annie was the daughter of Dr. William Raines and his wife Edna Raines.

In October 1998, Jarod helped save a girl named Sara who’d been kidnapped by the same man who’d kidnapped Annie, Douglas Willard. Jarod works to save his latest victim who was physically kidnapped by an accomplice. Willard, believing he tricked Jarod who he calls “prodigy” escapes and leads Jarod to Sara and the remains of Annie.

Willard’s apparent knowledge of “Prodigy” makes us wonder if he had some connection to Raines.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Baby Parker

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Subject: Baby Parker

Name: Baby Parker
Sex: Male
Eye: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
DOB: 05.01.2000
Status: Under Centre Control

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Baby Parker was born in a cabin to Brigitte and Mr. Parker. His mother, Brigitte, bled to death after giving birth to him.

Baby Parker’s mother is Brigitte and his father presumed to be Mr. Parker. Based on these assumptions, and the assumptions of paternity of these other characters, he also is half-sibling of Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle. Miss Parker, at least claims him as family and cares about his well-being enough to attempt to protect him from Raines whom she thought had ulterior motives when Raines gave Baby Parker treatment with a gas to loosen his lungs so that Baby Parker would not suffer the same fate as Raines, so he claimed.

After the events of Island of the Haunted we discover that if Baby Parker is the son of Mr. Parker and Brigitte, he is not biologically related to Miss Parker or Mr. Lyle.

There is some speculation that Baby Parker could actually be Mr. Lyle’s son.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Emily

Name: Emily
File No: 4589
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Journalist/Civilian

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Emily was born shortly after Jarod and Kyle were taken. After her brother’s disappeared her mother and father fled to keep themselves alive. When Catherine Parker died in the elevator Major Charles was away from his family who had to flee. They lost contact.

It is believed that Emily grew up with her mother, and spent most of her life searching for her family. In May of 2000, Major Charles received a tip to the whereabouts of Emily. And on May 13, 2000, Major Charles called Jarod to give him the good news. Jarod immediately went to find Emily who had become a journalist. When he arrived at her work place he discovered that she had been pushed out of her second story window. The culprit was Mr. Lyle. Jarod also discovered Emily was following another man believing he too was her brother.

Emily became a problem for the Centre when she started to research Ethan. The Centre didn’t want anyone to know that Ethan was Major Charles and Catherine Parker’s son. Mr. Lyle pushed her out a second story window. Jarod found her and transferred her to a secured location where she was able to recover.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Argyle

Name: Argyle
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian

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Argyle is an impoverished but wily opportunist. He found Jarod suffering from exposure in the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse. Jarod had been struck unconscious by some drug-running truckers and left to die in the parking lot in the cold of night. Argyle’s dog, “Dog”, found Jarod and alerted Arygle to Jarod’s whereabouts.

Believing Jarod to be someone with a “big brain” who was certainly valuable to someone else, Argyle nursed the feverish and (temporarily) amnesiac Jarod back to health… after he stole all of Jarod’s money, went through Jarod’s personal items, and absconded with Jarod’s cell phone. After watching some of the DSAs in Jarod’s Halliburton case, and linking “The Centre” images on the DSAs with the telephone number for “Sydney” or Jarod’s cell phone, Argyle called The Centre to see if they were interested in getting Jarod returned to them.

The call to Sydney was intercepted, however, by Brigitte and Mr. Raines, who offered Argyle the pitiable sum of $10-thousand in exchange for Jarod. Not knowing any better, and ignoring Jarod’s warnings that Brigitte was an assassin, Argyle agreed to turn Jarod over to Brigitte. When Brigitte arrived at the warehouse with a pair of Sweepers, she saw to it that Argyle was stuffed into the trunk of her sedan and left orders with Willie the Sweeper to kill Argyle as soon as she had Jarod in custody.

Jarod managed to escape from the warehouse, overcome Brigitte and her Sweeper Team, and let Argyle out of the trunk of the car. Jarod did not, however, allow Argyle to keep the $10-thousand. Instead, he donated to the local humane society in Dog’s name.

In February of 1999, Argyle resurfaced and contacted Jarod. Argyle needed Jarod’s help with some loan-sharks he owed money.

In February of 2000, Argyle contacted Jarod again about helping him find his missing girlfriend. Jarod assumed the identity of a private investigator to help Argyle.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Ben Miller

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Subject: Ben Miller

Name: Benjamin Miller
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown/Grey
Status: Civilian

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Ben was a nurturing friend to Miss Parker’s mother, Catherine, and, we discovered in the second season, is possibly Miss Parker’s biological father.

He runs a bed and breakfast in Lake Catherine, Maine. Catherine Parker used to come to visit him every year around April and stay with him for several weeks at a time. When she went on these “rendezvous” to see Ben, she told her husband and daughter that she was visiting “Aunt Dorothy”.

Ben still keeps a room for Catherine at the bed and breakfast, and has photographs of her and memorabilia stashed throughout the place. When Miss Parker, with the help of Jarod, initially met Ben she was astonished to find her mother’s picture in a prominent place in the B&B’s front hall.

Miss Parker met up briefly with Ben again when Jarod sent her on something of a wild goose chase throughout the Eastern seaboard. Eventually, Miss Parker and Ben found one another in a cafe… where Ben gave Miss Parker the last little figurine to a music box that had once been Catherine Parker’s. When Miss Parker put the figurine into its place, and started the box up, music played and figurines danced… and then a secret compartment in the bottom of the box opened up. A note inside suggested that Miss Parker had been conceived during one of Catherine Parker’s spring rendezvous with Ben.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Debbie Broots

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Subject: Debbie Broots

Name: Debbie Broots
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian

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Debbie Broots is Broots’ daughter. Broots won custody of her, after Jarod revealed to the judge overseeing the custody trial that Broots’ ex-wife had been using the child support Broots sent her to go on a gambling binge in Las Vegas.

Debbie is now living in Broots’ home, and bonded with Parker in the second season of the show, showing up in The Centre dressed and coifed like Miss P. Miss Parker gave Debbie the gift of the “Little Women” book her own mother Catherine had given to her (on the day Catherine died).

When her father was on the run from the Centre with Jarod; Miss Parker had Sam collected Debbie from school and take her to her own home to keep her protected.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Dr. Shafton

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Subject: Dr. Shafton

Name: Dr. Shafton
Ability: Psychiatrist
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Status: Civilian Psychiatrist

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Dr. Shafton is Sydney’s psychiatrist. Shortly before the shooting of Mr. Raines’ oxygen tank in Boston, Sydney had disclosed to Dr. Shafton that he often fantastized about murdering Raines. Dr. Raines had destroyed every subject he came in contact with at The Centre, Sydney claimed, and Sydney didn’t know how much more of Raines’ unethical dealings he could stand.

Sydney also confided in her that he was often frustrated and angry with Miss Parker because she, like her mother, pried into things that didn’t concern her. And he admitted to Shafton the wrong he did in helping The Centre keep Jarod a virtual prisoner for 30-years.

His confiding in Dr. Shafton is why she is a subject of interest.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Faith Parker

Name: Faith Parker
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Blonde
DOB: January 13, 1962
DOD: May 17, 1970
Status: Deceased

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Faith was only at the Centre for a short time. She was discovered, by Catherine Parker, in a nursing home. She was terminally ill with leukemia, and Catherine believed that the Centre would be able to help her. Catherine brought her to the Centre were she was cared for. Catherine and Mr. Parker adopted Faith, making her Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle’s sister. Catherine died shortly after bringing Faith to the Centre. Miss Parker, Jarod, and Angelo went on a search for a dead body within the Centre and soon discovered Faith. Miss Parker, Jarod, and Angelo became good friends with Faith and visited her often; however, she didn’t live long. She died on May 17, 1970, a little over a month after Catherine brought her to the Centre.

In February of 1999, Miss Parker’s ulcer burst and she was rushed to the hospital were she nearly died. Miss Parker swears that she saw Faith and that Faith told her that it wasn’t her time to die. At the same time Jarod was in an airplane accident and was stranded in the wilderness for several days, injured and without food. He too claims to have seen Faith.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Harriet Tashman

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Subject: Harriet Tashman

Name: Harriet Tashman
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Status: Nun/Civilian

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Harriet Tashman shielded Jarod’s parents and Emily from The Centre at her farm, until Kyle (Jarod’s brother) came looking for them. Harriet later set up a meeting between Jarod and his parents, but the meeting was disrupted by Centre operatives who arrived at the scene themselves, and tried to kill Jarod’s family and return Jarod to the custody of The Centre. Before that, Harriet vanished.

Harriet had been a friend of Catherine Parker (when Catherine was still Catherine Jameson); they had both entered a convent together and had planned on becoming nuns. Catherine never completed her vows, and left he convent to marry Mr. Parker. Harriet remained with the convent for some time, but later left when she realized she didn’t really have “the calling” to be a nun. When they were younger Catherine Parker saved Harriet’s life. Harriet had tried to cross a frozen pond, fell through the ice and almost died. Catherine pulled her out of the pond to safety and breathed life back into her. Later, it was Catherine who brought Jarod’s parents to Harriet and asked Harriet to care for them.

Harriet has done all she can to see to it that Jarod’s family stays safe. When she contacted them to set up the meeting in Boston between them and Jarod, she wouldn’t even tell Jarod who she was making the plans with or where they were located. “Solemn vows die hard,” she told Jarod once.

Harriet was kidnapped by Kyle after he was released from Raines’s care. Kyle discovered she had ties to his parents and because of his angry nature, took his frustrations out on Harriet. Harriet feared Kyle until Jarod and Kyle were reunited. She then tried to help them find their parents and sister.

Jarod does not know where Harriet is now.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Janitor at NuGenesis

Name: Unknown
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian

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The janitor at NuGenesis had been at the facility since the 50’s and recognized Jarod’s photograph of Margaret. Although he knew that NuGenesis was responsible for the testing and experimentation on children, he kept his mouth shut about it because Dr. Boris Haring had been paying him off. After Dr. Boris died, the janitor stayed on with the facility. When, in 1998, Jarod arrived at the facility to search for clues about his past, the janitor recognized the photograph of Margaret and assisted Jarod in thwarting a joint Centre/NuGenesis plot to abduct another child (Davy) and turn him into a Pretender like Jarod.

The janitor said he remembers seeing Margaret shortly after Jarod was born, and expressed how happy and fulfilled she seemed to be. He saw he again, later, after Jarod had been kidnapped, and grieved with her over the loss of her son. (What Margaret was doing back at NuGenesis after Jarod’s kidnapping was not explained. She might have been looking for clues about his kidnappers… or she might have been there to adopt Kyle, but those scenarios are both SPECULATION at this point.)

The janitor was shot by Gar, and presumably killed, when he interfered with Gar’s attempt to recapture Jarod at the NuGenesis facility.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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