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Name: Angel Manor

Location: Charleston, South Carolina

Status: Centre Owned

Located in Charleston, South Carolina, this is a Centre safe house, and used to house those people whom Centre operative have kidnapped or are protecting.

Timmy (aka Angelo) was brought to Angel Manor as a child before he was transported to The Centre. Likewise, Davey Simpkins, was brought to Angel Manor in 1998 as a precursor to his induction (against his will) into the Pretender Project by Mr. Raines and Dr. DeWitt.

As far as we know, Jarod was never taken here as a child.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

Accessing this system without proper clearance from the Triumvirate or a high level Centre official will result in immediate action and a T-Board review and may result in time spent on SL25 or in Renewal wing for re-education.
