The Pretender Fan Fiction Archive Resurrection

Having you been in Pretender fan fiction withdrawal? Yes, it may be hard with and other sites putting up stories but don’t you miss all the fan fiction from The Pretender Fan Fiction Archive? Me too. I have great news…

There is a site up and running called “Missing Pieces”. They are currently (I’m helping) tracking down all the authors on the site to get permission to upload all their stories. A daunting task but so far pretty successful despite some trouble with old email address… want to help?

Do you know any of the authors from the old Pretender Fan Fiction Archive or maybe you are one? Email Mknzy

If you have stories to post, head over to the website. There is also a Yahoo Group by the same name.
Missing Pieces Site
Missing Pieces Yahoo Group


I have been a Pretender fan from the beginning. Jarod's story hooked me immediately and I started my PHQ journey on the then NBC message board for "The Centre" where fans could chat or roll play. My friend and I developed a whole story with friends online and eventually I started building a site mainly for the show but with a section with RP information for all those involved. As our online RPG faded that section eventually did too but my passion for The Pretender has not and I have revamp and moved this site 4 times: Geocities, ThePretenderCentre, Weebly and now my own hosting.