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Subject: Sydney

Name: Sydney
Ability: Psychologist
File No: 35
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Grey
Status: Centre Project Manager


Sydney was in World War II and was in a concentration camp with his twin brother, Jacob. Little else is known about this time.

Both, Jacob and Sydney, were recruited into the Centre. Jacob was one of the people who was stealing children and he had a hand in Jarod’s abduction. Sydney and Jacob were in a car arguing over Jarod, when Sydney, who was driving, ran off the road. Jacob was seriously injured and was not able to function later on in life, which is believe to also be brought on by something else.

Sydney, helped take care of Jarod while he stayed at the Centre, and seems to want him out in the world, despite the fact he chases him. Sydney became the person who took care of Jarod’s clone when he found out about the boy. In February of 2000, it was discovered that Sydney had hired a young intern in the early days of the Pretender Project (involving Jarod) and one night they were in a car accident and the Centre told him she had died. Sydney found out she hadn’t died and was angry.

Sydney also has a son with a woman named Michelle who worked for the Centre. The Centre told her they would kill Sydney unless she left him and the Centre. She did and was not able to tell Sydney she was pregnant. Sydney’s son’s name is Nicholas and they are now on good terms.

In December of 2001, Sydney and Broots discovered that Mr. Parker’s brother is Mr. Raines. They also discovered that Raines is Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle’s biological father.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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