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Operating System

Subject: Sam

Name: Sam
Position: Sweeper
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Part of Miss Parker’s Team


Sam has worked for the Centre for many years and has become a loyal follower of Miss Parker. He has assisted her in her pursuit of Jarod and help in the original capture of Kyle before Jarod broke him out again. Sam has put his job on the line doing personal favors for Miss Parker, such as, watching Debbie Broots when Mr. Broots was suspected of being a traitor to the Centre. Sam as also kept the whereabouts of Edna Raines a secret when Miss Parker had her at her home.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

Accessing this system without proper clearance from the Triumvirate or a high level Centre official will result in immediate action and a T-Board review and may result in time spent on SL25 or in Renewal wing for re-education.
