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Subject: Ethan

Name: Ethan
Ability: Inner Sense
File No: 6593
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Status: At large


Ethan was born sometime at the end of ’70 or beginning of ’71. He is the product of an experiment at the Centre. Mr. Parker had Catherine Parker impregnated with Major Charles sperm. The Centre hoped Ethan would have Catherine’s sixth sense or inner sense and Jarod’s pretender skills. Ethan grew up in and out of the Centre. He was controlled mostly by Mr. Raines who made Ethan believe he could trust him.

Ethan’s foster parents died in May of 2000. Ethan discovered Jarod and Miss Parker are his siblings. Ethan also learned the voice in his head is his mother and he should listen to her.

Ethan has, apparently, done lots of terrorist actions upon the request of Mr. Raines. He rigged a subway to explode; however, when he discovered Jarod was his brother he wanted to stop the train, but he knew there was no way Jarod or he could. He helped Jarod to reroute the train so it exploded in a non-populated area. Miss Parker, Jarod, and Ethan all survived the explosion and Ethan later saved his sisters (Miss Parker) life.

Ethan appears to have been with Jarod up until January of 2001. His current location is unknown.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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