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Subject: Eddie

Name: Eddie Ballinger
Ability: Pretender
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Status: Deceased


Eddie was stolen from his parents no long after Jarod. Eddie possessed the abilities of a Pretender; however, he was not a natural pretender. Eddie was given simulations to perform. When Jarod escaped in 1996, Eddie and Alex accompanied him. However, only Eddie and Jarod made it out. Once on the outside they went their separate ways and were not reunited until January of 2001 when Eddie was killed, by The Chameleon, which was later found out to be Alex.

Eddie had created a life for himself on the outside. He became an NSA Agent and had a family. Eddie was never tracked down because The Centre had no intention of bring him back to the Centre. The Centre wanted Jarod, a natural Pretender.

Eddie is killed by Alex in January of 2001 while Jarod is investigating assassinations among the NSA ranks.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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