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Subject: Brigitte

Name: Brigitte
Position: Investigator/Assassin
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown/Blonde
Status: Deceased

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Little is known about Brigitte. She arrived at the Centre shortly after Mr. Lyle and it is believed Mr. Lyle recruited her. Brigitte was a major players in a T-board designed to bring out the Centre leak. As luck would have it, Brigitte came by the whereabouts of Jarod, but she was unable to catch him or the leak.

Upon Brigitte’s arrival it was believed she was British. The day she tried to assassinate Mr. Parker it was discovered by Miss Parker, who also stopped her, that Brigitte didn’t have an accent. Despite Brigitte’s actions, she later reappeared as Mr. Parker’s fiancee, and eventually becomes his wife.

Brigitte played a major roll in the capture of Jarod in May of 1999. She also tried to stop Mr. Raines from assassinating her husband, Mr. Parker. Miss Parker was shot instead. After this, Brigitte and Mr. Parker went on the run. After Brigitte, gave birth to a baby boy, she died but not before telling Miss Parker that she killed Thomas Gates. Brigitte also explained that the orders came from above her but she was unsure from who. After the arrival of Mr. Parker’s heir it became harder to deny his claim to the Centre.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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