409. Til Death Do Us Part
- Report
- DSAs
FILE #: 409
One year after the death of Thomas Gates… Miss Parker asleep in her bed at home. She is dreaming of all the times that she was with Thomas. Miss Parker is standing in one of her windows in one of the shirts that Thomas used to wear. She is looking at a picture of them together. She is then in the bathroom looking in the mirror, while the shower runs. She takes off his shirt and puts it on the back of the door. She then hears Thomas calling her. He is standing in the shower. He says, “I love you, Parker.” Then her phone rings and she is still standing in front of the mirror.
Broots is on the phone in one of Jarod’s hideouts (Big J’s Carnival Supplies, Towson, Maryland). He says that it is the tenth time he has gotten her machine. Syd says that maybe Miss Parker will meet them there. Broots says that she hates it when people enter Jarod’s lairs before her. Sydney asks him if he remembers a year ago. Sydney says, “Thomas.” Broots is overwhelmed. He completely forgot and he feels so stupid for calling Miss Parker today of all days. Miss Parker comes in and says that it is just any other day. Broots apologizes to her and she tells him it is alright. Miss Parker gets to thinking and Broots clears his throat. Miss Parker wants everything crated. Broots says that they found out why Jarod was there. Miss Parker turns to see a Barbie size replica of her first meeting with Thomas. Miss Parker becomes extremely upset. Sydney tells her that he is sure that there is an innocent reason why Jarod left it. She tells him it is because he like to torment her. She thinks that where ever he is he is laughing. They all leave. A clown in the background comes to life and Jarod speaks. He takes a picture from his outfit and looks at it. It is the same picture of Miss Parker and Thomas that is next to Miss Parker’s bed. It is of her and Thomas. Jarod says, “Hardly laughing.” Then he tosses the picture on the replica of Miss Parker and Thomas.
Miss Parker is in the cemetery. She is in front of Thomas’ grave and is saying a little speech and toasting to him. Jarod comes up behind her and tells her that they are beautiful words. Miss Parker is upset. Miss Parker goes after him. She starts to cry and then she pulls her gun on him. He tells her that the gun won’t work because he took the firing pin out last night. She tells him that she sleeps with it under her pillow. He tells her that she also drools from the left corner of her mouth. She turns the gun away from him and pulls the trigger. When nothing happens Miss Parker asks him what he is doing there. He tells her that it is time to find out who killed the man that she loved and to pay respect to a man like Thomas. Jarod says that he deserved it. Jarod tries to leave flowers on the grave but Miss Parker rips them away from Jarod and tells him that he doesn’t know what Thomas deserved. Then she turns away from him. She asks him why he is tormenting her. Why he cares. But when she turns back to him he is gone. Miss Parker looks in the flowers that Jarod was going to leave on the gravesite. There is a card in it. Miss Parker pulls it out and reads that one side says, “Thomas Gates Restoration – Where everything old is new again. – (302) 555-0110” and on the other side is says “RUMOR 58259”.
Miss Parker asks Broots and Sydney if RUMOR 58259 sounds familiar and they both say that it is standard Centre coding. The RUMOR would be the operative on the case and the numbers… well he will have to talk to a friend of his about that. Broots does say that he think that numbers could be for a Centre Audio Phone Tap File. Miss Parker what to know which Audio Tap it is. Broots says that because of what is going on he doesn’t think it will be that easy. Miss Parker doesn’t know what they are talking about. Sydney tells her that Big Mutumbo is dead.
In Lyle’s office, Lyle is telling Miss Parker that Mutumbo is dead. Cox says that his eyes were gouged out. Miss Parker says it was like he saw something he wasn’t supposed to. Cox then asks her when she last saw her father. She asks when the last time was when someone checked for his pulse. Lyle tells her that the gun that killed Mutumbo was traced to the highest levels of The Centre which includes Miss Parker, Lyle and Mr. Parker. Cox says that “dear old dad” stands to gain the most from Mutumbo’s death. Cox is talking to Miss Parker, when she sees Thomas come in the room behind Cox. He tells her to talk to him. He asks her if she wants to tell him something. She tells him yes…. but then she can’t get it out. He tells her it is okay. Then Cox snaps her back to reality. Cox leaves the room. Lyle tells her that Cox was accusing them of participating in a coup. He says that she could at least pretend to listen. She walks out. He tells her to call him.
Miss Parker asks Sydney if he believes in ghosts. Sydney says that he believes in an afterlife and second chances. She says that she is talking about Thomas ghost. She tells him that he is everywhere. Sydney says that he hears his mother. She tells him that she is seeing him everywhere. She says that it is like he is waiting. Syd says that maybe he is. Maybe he is giving her a second chance to complete something unfinished. Miss Parker’s phone rings and it is her father. She asks if he killed Mutumbo but he says that he did not. Miss Parker says that he sounds different. He says he is going to be a father again. He tells her that it is all almost over and that the survivors will be together soon. He hangs up.
Broots is telling Sydney and Miss Parker what he found out from Manny the mute. He says that he found out that the phone tap was on Thomas’ phone and everything was routed to an operative with the code name of RUMOR. However, he tells her that he has yet to discover who this person is. He tells her that he did find a file that had part of a call and he downloaded it. She tells him that she wants to hear it. He plays it for her:
Thomas: “Yeah, Parker and I are going away for the weekend, so we’ll talk when I get back.”
Jarod: “Okay buddy. I’ll see you again soon.”
Thomas: “You take care Jarod.”
The discovery that Thomas and Jarod were friends is a lot for Miss Parker to handle.
Miss Parker goes home and bit puzzled by the new information she has just received. Miss Parker hears the shower go on and she thinks that it is Thomas. She heads for the bathroom. Miss Parker pulls back the shower curtain and finds Brigitte in her shower. Mr. Parker pulls her out of the bathroom, saying that they have to be careful of Brigitte. Mr. Parker asks Miss Parker for a favor. He wants to use her car. Brigitte comes out of the bathroom and says that Mr. Parker has found a safe place for the birth. Miss Parker asks ‘daddy’ where they are going, but he says that he can’t tell. Mr. Parker tells ‘angel’ that he is one piece away from being back at The Centre. Miss Parker gives him her car keys. In a touching moment, Miss Parker puts her hand on Brigitte’s stomach and tells her to take care of “that brother or sister of mine.” Brigitte promises to and then she and Mr. Parker start to leave. Miss Parker quickly asks what RUMOR 58259 is. Mr. Parker says that he doesn’t know, but Brigitte says that RUMOR is code name for the operative in charge of the file and the rest sounds like a digital phone tap number. Mr. Parker says that they have to help each other and stick together. They then leave. Miss Parker is puzzled that her father didn’t know and that Brigitte helped her.
Miss Parker is in her office thinking about the recent events. She is staring at the model that Jarod made of her first meeting with Thomas. Her phone rings. Jarod is on the phone. Miss Parker becomes upset with him. Miss Parker says that she wants Jarod to tell her who killed Thomas. He tells her that he doesn’t know. Miss Parker tells Jarod that nothing is important right now except Thomas… she tells him that Thomas is not a game. Jarod says that he did think he was and that “deception was never my goal with you and Thomas.” Miss Parker wants to know what he means. Jarod says that his goal was love. Jarod says, “Putting you two together was one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done.” Miss Parker doesn’t by it. She starts telling him….”We had a chance meeting in Blue Cove at a gas station…..” She looks at the model of her and Thomas. She realizes that Jarod set the whole thing up and that meeting Thomas was a gift from Jarod. She says, “You didn’t know him after I did. You knew him before.” Jarod-“The way you felt about each other had nothing to do with me. I just lit the torch.” She walks to her window and asks about the Thomas Jarod knew.
Jarod says that he met Thomas a month before she did. Jarod says that he was working for one of Thomas’ competitors, a man whose greediness cost a boy both of his legs. Miss Parker asks if Tommy helped Jarod take him down. Jarod says, “Thomas was big on doing the right thing.” Miss Parker wants to know who killed him. He says that if he finds out anything she will be his first stop. Jarod says that he believes RUMOR killed Thomas. Jarod tells her to be careful and “Rumors can kill you.” Miss Parker sees Thomas on the couch in her office. He tells to trust Jarod.
Broots is in the bathroom and sees a note written on the bathroom wall.
Centre Voting Booth
(Use handy lever to vote for most hated.)
1 Flush Mr. Lyle
2 Flushes Mr. Raines
3 Flushes Mr. Cox
Mr. Cox comes in and says that he is flattered by it. He says that he would hate to be the one who would have to count the votes. Cox then flushes 3 times. Cox says that there are rumors going around. Cox washes his hands and then dries them. Broots wonders what king of rumors and then goes and washes his hands. He goes over to dry them but Cox holds his hand under the dryer which begins burning his hand. Cox asks what rumors Broots is hearing.
Broots is putting his hand into a bucket of ice in Miss Parker’s office. Miss Parker wants to know what he told Cox. Broots says that Cox knew nothing about RUMOR. He wanted to know about Mr. Parker. Sydney and Broots think that Cox maybe the one that is trying to kill Mr. Parker, Brigitte, and the baby. Broots says that he reached the end on the phone tap file, which told him that the identity of RUMOR is in a hard copy of the file…. called a Z3 file. Sydney says that it is a Centre designation for murder for hire. Miss Parker says that Thomas was murdered by someone inside The Centre.
At Miss Parker’s house she is thanking Broots for lending her his car. Broots asks if she wants him to stay and keep her company. She asks why someone has to die for people to realize everything that they didn’t say. Broots says that life is a lost like a bug on the sidewalk. He says that we usually walk all over it. Broots is talking when Miss Parker looks up and see a file on her mantle. She walks over and grabs it. It is the Z3 file. She opens it and it gives her the name of Thomas’ killer. Miss Parker gets her gun. Broots is shocked to see the files and she says that it tells her the identity of the killer. Broots looks inside. Miss Parker starts to leave and Broots stops her telling her to think about the revenge part. Miss Parker says that Thomas’ killer is going to pay. She then leaves.
Miss Parker pulls up to the Astro Motel. Thomas appears in the backseat telling Miss Parker to be careful. She then gets out of the car. She walks over to her car, which she lent to her father and Brigitte, with her gun drawn. She hits the side of the car and tells Brigitte to come out. Mr. Parker opens the window and asks what she wants. She wants to know where Brigitte is. Mr. Parker says that he hadn’t realized that she was gone. Miss Parker tells him not to cover for her. Mr. Parker asks how she found them and Miss Parker tells him that the car has a tracking system. He then asks her what she is doing there. She tells him it is about Thomas and the RUMOR file. He realizes that Brigitte is RUMOR. Miss Parker is surprised to think that he doesn’t know anything about it. She asks him were she could be and he says that she has a cabin up in the country. He also says that she kept a spare key in her desk at The Centre. Miss Parker tries to runs off but her father grabs her asking what she is going to do. She pulls away from him and he yells after her to think about his baby. Miss Parker drives off.
Miss Parker walks out of the elevator at The Centre. She runs into Lyle who tells her that Cox has cranked up his search for dad. He tells her to stay out of his crosshairs. Lyle walks off. Broots comes up behind Miss Parker who is trying to tell her about Cox but she says that she knows and that she wants him to search Brigitte’s office. As she backs off into the elevator she signals for him to call her.
Miss Parker’s phone rings and she picks it up. Jarod is on the other ends saying that Thomas felt at home in her eyes. Miss Parker wonders if Thomas ever knew what she really did. Jarod doesn’t know the answer to that question. Jarod tells her that Thomas said that the first time he ever experienced love was when he looked into her eyes. Miss Parker says that there were so many times that she wanted to tell him. Jarod wants to know what. Miss Parker says that it is too late. Jarod tells her never to forget the importance of completing unfinished business. Miss Parker says that Brigitte will know real soon. Jarod says, “So Brigitte is the one that pulled the trigger.” Miss Parker says that he would know after reading the RUMOR file that he left in her home. Jarod says that he left no such file.
Broots goes to Miss Parker’s house and gives her the key and the location of the cabin, which he got from his friend Manny. Miss Parker says to tell Manny the Mute… then she mouths the word thanks.
Miss Parker goes to the cabin and finds the door open and Brigitte on the floor in labor. Miss Parker trains her gun on Brigitte and asks why she killed Tommy. Brigitte tells her that it was orders. Brigitte tells Miss Parker that she will die after giving birth because of a disorder where she will bleed to death without medical attention. Miss Parker tries to get a signal on her cell phone but has no luck. Brigitte tells her that the land-line went dead after she spoke to her father who said that he will bring the doctor. Brigitte tells Miss Parker that the reason she ran was to through the hitman off her father because despite what Miss Parker thinks she loves him.
Back at The Centre, Broots ventures into the bathroom where the hand dryer is labeled “Out of Order”. Broots checks all the stales and uses the bathroom. But after washing up Cox appears and Broots is trapped
Brigitte apologizes to Miss Parker for all the pain that she caused when she killed Thomas. She says that she doesn’t know who gave the order to have him taken care of, but that they were from somewhere inside The Centre. Brigitte says that someone thought that she was losing her focus. Miss Parker is delivering Brigitte’s baby and her sibling, when bright light shine through the windows from outside. Miss Parker cries as she holds the now motherless baby. She wraps the baby in a blanket.
A helicopter is landing and Cox is heading towards the cabin with a can of gasoline. Cox enters the cabin and Miss Parker stands with her gun in one hand and the baby in the other. She tells Cox that she will kill him, but Mr. Parker comes from behind Cox and tells her that Cox is with him. Mr. Parker says that Dr. Cox is there for the baby… his is an OB-GYN. Cox immediately checks on Brigitte while a shocked Miss Parker looks on.
Mr. Parker holds his hands out for the baby and Miss Parker hands the child to him as a nurse enters the cabin. Mr. Parker immediately hands the child to her. Mr. Parker smiles and says, “This seals it… the last piece.” Cox is still hovering over Brigitte.
Mr. Parker tells his confused daughter that Cox has been his man on the inside for months. He tells her that it was lucky that the Z-3 File showed up. He asks if Brigitte confessed to killing Thomas. Miss Parker says that she did and Mr. Parker asks if she killed her. Miss Parker tells him that she died in childbirth and asks if he is even concerned for his wife. Mr. Parker only says, “Til Death Do Us Part.” Miss Parker is horrified and tells him that Brigitte was nothing more than a vessel for him to carry on his legacy with. She asks if he left her the Z-3 file and he denies it. Cox is putting a gun in Brigitte’s hands and Miss Parker realizes it is the gun that killed Mutumbo. Miss Parker says that he is trying to clear people at The Centre for Mutumbo’s death and Mr. Parker says that RUMOR was setting him up. He then tells Cox to make everything go away and he starts to leave. Miss Parker calls after him and asks if he even wants to know. He asks her about what and she say whether the baby is a boy or a girl and walks out ahead of him. Cox covers the cabin with gasoline and as they leave in The Centre helicopter Miss Parker watches as the cabin explodes and then burns.
At the cemetery, Miss Parker is putting flowers on Tommy’s grave and talking to Jarod on the phone. She says that if she had taken revenge it would not have given her peace. Jarod tells her that her unfinished business was not Brigitte but the thing that she didn’t tell Thomas. Miss Parker says that she never told him that she loved him and that she would give anything to have the time with him to say it. Jarod tells her to let her heart win the war and tell Thomas whatever it is she wants him to know. Their call ends.
The scene quickly changes and Miss Parker daydreams of being in a woodsy area in a sundress sitting on a swing. Thomas comes out of the trees and walks towards her. They embrace for long moment, and then Miss Parker tells him that she loves him. He too tells her that he loves her. They embrace another moment and then slowly back away from one another and Thomas fades away. Miss Parker is content that she has told Tommy what she needed to and she knows that he heard her.
The screen fades to black…
Date: 01.15.2000
Writer: Steven Long Mitchell, Craig Can Sickle
Director: Craig Van Sickle
Brigitte killed Thomas, but didn’t know where the order came from.
Jarod and Thomas were friends. Jarod played matchmakers with Thomas and Miss Parker.
Cox is working for Mr. Parker.
Rumor 58259 was a file on Thomas.
Names & Occupations:
- Jarod – Pretender
Last Name Origin:
- N/A
- Clowns
Jason Brooks (Thomas Gates)
Lenny Von Dohlen (Mr. Cox)
Pamela Gidley (Brigitte)