401. The World’s Changing
- Report
- DSAs
FILE #: 401
The fourth season opens with Jarod and prisoner of the Centre, Sam throws him into an area and Lyle says that Jarod still stinks. Sam tells him that Jarod is refusing to go to the showers. Lyle tells Jarod that if he won’t go to the showers, he will bring the showers to him. Jarod spits in his face. Sam then turns a large – fire like – hose on Jarod… Jarod has nowhere to hide and is helpless to stop the torture he must endure. As they spray him down, they knock out the security cameras. Mr. Lyle tells them to stop that they don’t want him dead… Lyle throws Jarod a bar of soap and tells him to clean everything in his bare cell… the walls… Jarod throws that bar of soap back and tells Lyle to do it. Lyle tells Jarod that the world’s changing and that Mr. Parker and Mr. Raines are gone and Miss Parker… well wonder can only wonder and that he is in charge. They leave Jarod locked in his cage. As Sam closes the cell door behind him and notices that in the struggle with Jarod, he lost a button. A battered Jarod watches as Sam leaves and then stares at a totaled security camera…. he then removes a button from his mouth and uses it to open a manhole in which he uses to make his escape. Jarod climbs through ducts until he reaches a room. However, when he drops from the ceiling, he realizes that he is once again in a cage with Lyle standing on the other side. Jarod starts testing the cage… screaming… no, no, no, no…..
In Mr. Parker’s old office and Mr. Lyle’s new one, Mr. Lyle shows Sydney the footage of Jarod in the cage after his escape attempt (three weeks old). Sydney wants to know why he was not permitted to see Jarod. Lyle says that Jarod was irrational. Lyle then shows him more resent footage of Jarod complying with Lyle’s wishes. Lyle is telling Jarod that if he wants to hear about mommy and daddy to just trust him. Jarod begins to cry, and Lyle tells Syd that he loves that part. Sydney begs to see Jarod and Lyle says that it is not his call that Big Mutumbo asked for Jarod’s isolation. Then the albino enters the room. Lyle rises from his chair. Lyle then tells Sydney to forget about Jarod. The albino and Lyle leave, and Sydney takes the DSA of Jarod. Sydney and Lyle and walking in The Centre and Broots is shocked that Sydney stole a DSA from Lyle.
Mr. Parker is in a hospital asking about Miss Parker. When he finds her, she is a bit out of it, but she is coherent enough and wondering where everyone has been. Mr. Parker starts to babble about stuff that doesn’t seem to make sense. The nurse comes in telling them that she is not to have visitors and Mr. Parker says that he was going to leave. Miss Parker says that she is going too. The nurse tells her that only the “shrink” can discharge her. Miss Parker says that she was shot… and when did shirks start using scalps. Mr. Parker asks about a playwright that her mother used to read to her. Then he asks her to remember a quote… “A family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member”. He also has her promise not to tell anyone he was there.
Jarod sits in his cell at the Centre, Sam comes in and Jarod asks what will happen know a date with Mr. Lyle’s jumper cables. Then Jarod asks about Africa. Sam tells him that he is as smart as they say. Sam injects him with vaccines so that he can travel into Africa.
Sydney is having Angelo review the DSA of Jarod in the cage among other to try a determine the whereabouts of Jarod. Angelo finds him and takes Sydney and Broots to him. Jarod asks if they did capture Major Charles. And Sydney tells him not to trust Lyle. However, Lyle was just coming to transport Jarod to Africa. There is a sad goodbye and Jarod is given a sedative. Jarod hugs Sydney goodbye. Lyle checks Jarod mouth and it appears that Jarod took the pills. However, after they left Sydney pulls the two pills out of his pocket. Jarod pawned them off.
They strap Jarod in the plane ride and Jarod ‘pretends’ to be asleep. Jarod pries at his off and while doing so hears about two researchers that Mr. Lyle and the Albino (Mr. White) are going to get rid of. Jarod gets the cuffs off and takes Sam’s gun. He then is faced with the albino with a gun. The pilot comes in and says that if a bullet were to pierce the cabin they would crash. Jarod says not if they plug the whole. Then he shoots out the window and the albino is sucked onto the window with his arm sticking outside. Jarod go to the cockpit to land the plan. Jarod lands the plane and has a tied-up Sam who he throws water on. Sam asks where Mr. White is, and Jarod tells him that he disappeared. Jarod finds a picture of two researchers and their child. Jarod leaves them in the plane.
At the Centre, Lyle is talking about Jarod’s escape over the phone to who I believe is Big Mutumbo, and we see on his computer a project named “Silence”. Sydney enters the office and Lyle puts a disc in his desk drawer. Angelo watches from the duct high on the wall where he taped Mr. Parker talking about Major Charles in “Quallupilluit”. Sydney comes into gloat that Jarod escaped. Broots comes in babbling about ‘him’ being alive as day when rumors are that he is dead. Raines enters the room and says that he is glad to disappoint… then he hugs Broots saying he is happy to be back to the Centre. Broots is disgusted but the rest are surprised.
At the Atomic Research Laboratory, Jarod Hickam is introduced to a women researcher by a male one. They talk about the Nash’s research and that they didn’t finish their research. They hope that Jarod can help with the Neptune Project for NASA.
Sydney and Broots find Miss Parker in the hospital. Broots is at her side happy that she is not dead. Miss Parker complains about not letting her out and Sydney tells her that they have her under suicide watch. She says that she was shot in the back. She tries to get up to leave but Sydney tells her that she must rest for at least 24hrs more. Miss Parker says that in 24hrs she is blowing that cat-scan stand. They ask her if her father has visited and she tells them no. Broots tells her that Raines is different, and she won’t believe it. She says that she doesn’t buy the act. Broots tells her about Silence and Mr. White. She tells him to find out anything that he can.
Jarod is in the Nash’s research lab and he finds Claire Nash’s locket with a picture of her family in it. The women researcher comes in and asks what he is doing. He tells her that he was just wondering what they Nash’s were working on. She tells him about their research. She then tells him about the accident… the explosion that killed the Nash’s. Their boat had a gas leak or something and they were killed. Jarod doesn’t believe that they are dead. Jarod wants to know who sealed their data. She tells him The Department of Energy in Albany, New York.
Jarod calls Sydney. He is talking about the Nash’s and then Jarod asks if that is Mr. Broots there. Broots asks how he knew it was him. Jarod tells him that he has a deviated septum of the right nostril. Broots says that he was beaned with a etch-a-sketch when he was young. Jarod asks about Silence and they tell him about Mr. White. Jarod says that he shared frequent flyer miles with him. Angelo listens to the whole conversation through the vents. Broots tells Jarod that they should not be telling him all that they are. Jarod tells Broots that he knows where Broots live. Sydney laughs. Broots tells Jarod that he doesn’t know what is going on at the Centre… they have turned Raines into Pat Robinson. Jarod tells them that Silence is the Centre killing a man, women and their child. Mr. Lyle and Mr. White has someone helping them at the Dept. of Energy (D.O.E.). Sydney tells Jarod that they will try to find out all they can. Jarod says that if they don’t an innocent family will die.
D.O.E. Albany, New York: The head of the Nash operation is telling the other agents that they have another member joining them…. Jarod Watts. He is hardly a hot shot… bottom third of his class … he has been bounced from one project to another… but Agent Tympson tells them that he has something that no one else does… the same name as the undersecretary. They think that Jarod is the son but Tympson tells them that he is the nephew. Jarod enters stumbling and knocking things. He says that he was boning up on the Nash thing. The others find his choice of words funny. The Nash thing, says the head agent, is a PI Witness Transfer and to remember that. Agent Tympson tells them that the status on the Nash women is a Code 3. Jarod asks if Code 3 is a bit thin and they tell him that that is the idea so that there is not a lot of attention put on her. The head agent tells Agent Carlson to get Watts up to speed on the “Nash Thing”.
Miss Parker goes home and sees that she has one message on her machine. She pushes play and then pulls a pocket knife out of the can of pens on her desk and cuts the hospital id off. They message is from her father. He wanted to see her, and he went to the hospital, but she wasn’t there… you can’t keep a Parker down.
Carlson tells Jarod that the researcher was for the Relor Corporation and the Nash’s found out that they were selling it for weapons. They went to the D.O.E. and then someone tried to kill them in the Caribbean. Jarod asks if they have any leads. Carlson tells them know that it was professional, and they might as well have killed them because they were separated after the explosion and they all went underground. Then they found Jason and Courtney Nash in the Caribbean. They are now in protective custody. However, Mr. Nash will only testify if he and his daughter are reunited with Mrs. Nash. Carlson says that they will be reunited tomorrow. Family together… family talks… Carlson leaves and Jarod drops stuff and then looks at the locket. Jarod says family talks… family dies.
Raines is at the Centre talking to Father Connelley about his good deeds. Miss Parker comes in and tells him that it is time to pay for killing her mother. Raines introduces her to the father and then the good father leaves. Miss Parker rips the oxygen tubs from Raines’ nose and then he breathes in and asks if she doesn’t believe in miracles. She asks why he tried to kill her father. He tells her that his selfish, misguided act came from above. She doesn’t buy his act and she is going to shoot him, but he says he will turn the other cheek and he kneels before her telling her miracles come from love. She is shocked and tells him that when she finds out what he is up to it will take more than a miracle to save his sorry ass.
At the D.O.E. safehouse, Claire Nash doesn’t want to eat. Jarod tries telling her that where he grew up, he missed his family too. He says that he didn’t need to eat he needed his family. He gives her the locket and she tell him that her daughter gave it to her, and she thought that she had lost it.
Miss Parker is in Sydney’s office and she learns that Lyle is in charge. Sydney shows her a picture of the Nash’s. She says that if Jarod is there then so is she. Broots enters in and doesn’t even notice that Miss Parker is there. He walks in and says that Miss Parker will off herself when she hears this… Miss Parker asks for a spare noose… Broots is shocked that she is there… she asks if his nose is whistling… he tells her that he has a deviated septum… she laughs. Broots then tells her that the person that kept her in the hospital was Lyle.
Miss Parker goes home and finds a video of Mr. Parker telling her to remember the quote… Lyle finishes the quote and then Miss Parker tells him that she knows he kept her in the hospital. He says it was the only thing he could think of to keep her safe. She tells him she knows about Silence and the albino. He tells her that he is glad cause he needs her help. He tells her that they must fight for their family and their father.
Jarod has the blueprints of the Atomic Research Laboratory (A.R.L.) and he has built a model of the building. Jarod then makes ID’s for the Nash’s. Angelo send the files from Lyle’s desk to Jarod. Jarod sees that Agent Tympson took money from Lyle and White. Jarod blows up the model of the building.
At the safehouse Jarod finds an empty house and Carlson. Carlson tells him that Tympson moved up the meet time. However, he didn’t say were the meet was.
Miss Parker and Lyle go to the A.R.L. to catch Jarod… but Lyle doesn’t go in. Mr. White is setting the bomb and Jarod comes in to stop him… Mr. White tells Jarod that he is a finder. He asks if seeing his father was nice. He shows Jarod a picture of his sister Emily and says to take her for instance… she is bright and funny and has the cutest tattoo…. Jarod grabs for the file but White gestures to throw it in the incinerator. White tells Jarod he can save the family upstairs… and his but he is not part of the deal… he throws the file in the fire and Jarod runs to it. White takes off and Jarod pulls the file from the fire and stamps it out. He then takes out the bomb.
Claire says she wants to see her family and Tympson takes a fake call and then tries to leave but Jarod comes in giving him an excuse to stay but Tympson makes another… then Jarod gets out of the way and Tympson realizes that the door is locked. Jarod has the keys and asks what could be wrong… he tells them that the building is going to explode. Jarod pulls the bomb out and asks if that is what he found…. 4..3…Tympson yells for him to do something…2…1… Jarod lunges at him yelling KABOOMMMM!!!! Jarod then tells him that it is interesting that he knew about the bomb but didn’t tell anyone… He tells Agent Blaine to take him away. Jason and Courtney Nash come in and are reunited with Claire. Jarod gives them the info they will need to hide, and Claire says that she hopes he finds his family.
Jarod sees Miss Parker and goes back into the room shutting the door and running… Miss Parker enters the room and find the dead bomb and Jarod’s ID. Miss Parker takes the bomb to Lyle telling him that if he sends her into a building with a bomb it had better explode or they will be cleaning up his grey matter with a toothbrush. There is also a box that is to be given to Lyle with jumper cables in it and a note that says…”See you soon. J”
Miss Parker goes home and finds another message from her father warning her that Lyle may be double crossing them.
Jarod goes to Emily’s last known whereabouts and the manager finds him snooping in her room. He asks who he is, and Jarod asks about Emily… who are you?… I am her brother… he tells him. He tells Jarod that she will be disappointed that she has been searching for her family.
Jarod calls Miss Parker and says that they reunited another family… Miss Parker says that hers is ripped apart… and Jarod says he knows how that feels. Miss Parker says that the world’s changing and Jarod says it is the same for them… they are still alone… the hang up… Miss Parker puts her head down on the desk….
Jarod sits outside the hotel where Emily had stayed.
Date: 09.25.1999
Writer: Steven Long Mitchell, Craig Van Sickle
Director: James Whitmore Jr.
Jon Gries (Broots) is now listed as a regular in the opening credits.
Mr. Raines supposedly finds religion.
Mr. Parker and Brigitte are in hiding.
Mr. Lyle takes over the role of Mr. Parker in the tower.
Names & Occupations:
- Jarod Hickam – Researcher
- Jarod Watts – DEA Agent
Last Name Origin:
- Hickam – NASA rocket scientist Homer Hickam
- Watts – to match the last name of the Under Secretary
- Mr. White has information about his sister, Emily.
Albie Selznick (Agent Tympson)
Tim Lounibos (Miles Carlson)
Tobin Bell (Mr. White)
Walker Brandt (Jeanie Radshaw)
Noel Conlon (Father Connelley)
George “Buck” Flower (Motel Manager)
Brendon Ford (Jason Nash)
William J. Jones (C.J. Wocheck)
Deborah Lacey (Andrea Blaine)
Taylor Leigh (Clare Nash)
Bryan Rasmussen (Pilot)
Sean Smith (Research Administrator)
Rachel Winfree (Nurse)