320. Qallupilluit
- Report
- DSAs
FILE #: 320
Part one starts with Miss Parker being called into her father’s office to invite her to lunch. Miss Parker is suspicious but her father says that he is just concerned about her. Miss Parker and Mr. Parker are on their way out when Raines, Lyle, and Brigitte walk in and tell Mr. Parker that they need to speak with him. He tells them that he was on his way out, and tries to leave. However, Brigitte steps in front of him, stopping him dead in his tracks. He tells Miss Parker that he is sorry and she tells him that it is alright. Miss Parker leaves.
As soon as she has left, Raines says he received a “Priority One” intercept from Ellesmere Island, a Centre Research Facility. Raines tells him that there is a security breach and Mr. Parker assumes that the breach was Jarod. However, Lyle informs his father that it was Major Charles.
In the air conditioning duct, Angelo watches and listens to everything that is said. In fact, he is recording it with a video camera and sending it by e-mail to someone…
Jarod is watching the video that Angelo is sending, via e-mail. Mr. Parker is Lyle if they are sure that Major Charles is at Ellesmere. Lyle only says that he could be. Mr. Parker tells Raines that he thought Raines had said that Major Charles was no longer a factor. Raines can only say that he thought that too. Mr. Parker is upset and tells them that they shouldn’t tell the Triumvirate… Lyle appears to agree. Mr. Parker tell them to find out what happened regarding Major Charles and reminds them that on one can know what is going on.
Smitty is at his desk, in the research station’s control room, cleaning his equipment, when someone he knows comes in. Smitty asks why they are there late at night. Whomever was there doesn’t answer Smitty, but instead whacks him in the head with a large wrench. With Smitty unconscious, the mysterious person sets Smitty’s desk a blaze. Alarms sound. The Captain, Joe Taylor and Manuel all come running. Jarod uses an axe from a firebox and uses it to get the door open. Someone grabs the fire extinguisher and uses it to put out the fire in the control room. Jarod starts to examine Smitty but the doctor arrives and tells everyone that Smitty is dead. One of the men says that Smitty must have blacked out – from the smoke or the solvent fumes. The Captain adds that it looks like Smitty fell and hit his head on the corner of the table. Jarod is not convinced – is looking around the room and says that he thinks the head injury is too severe to have been caused by a table corner. The Captain says that he’s going to call Smitty’s death in, but is told that the radio is now useless. He tells the doctor to take a closer look at the body, and the doctor says he’s no pathologist, but he’ll see what he can do. Beth finally arrives and with everyone now there, the Captain tells them that without the radio, they have no way to communicate with the outside world. Manny begins raving about the Qallupilluit again – he is totally spooked.
Broots tells Miss Parker that he’s figured out that the ‘intercept’ concerns a secret research center and the fact that it has been ‘compromised’ by Major Charles. He hasn’t been able to figure out where the research center is located yet and Miss Parker presses him on it – she wants Major Charles, the man she thinks is responsible for her Mother’s death. Sydney warns her about killing him, saying he’ll be more valuable to everyone alive …
In the infirmary at the research station, Jarod comes in and offers his help on the autopsy, but the doctor says that he has already determined the death to be an accident – a mild concussion with the cause of death being accidental due to smoke inhalation. Jarod doesn’t believe it. The Captain tells Jarod to go with him and they leave. Jarod and the Captain are in the Captain’s office … and the Captain asks Jarod what he was up to in the infirmary. Jarod tells him that he’s concerned about the cause of Smitty’s death. The Captain doesn’t seem to want to buy it – but Jarod tells him that Smitty was afraid of something and that he thinks there’s something “wrong” about the research center. The Captain tells Jarod that they are stranded there until the weather clears – maybe for days – and says that he doesn’t want him to say or do anything that will add to the stress. Later, Jarod finds Manuel looking at a snapshot of a child. Manuel tells Jarod it’s his son and that he hasn’t even seen him yet – that he was born while he was stationed at the research center. Jarod asks Manuel what a Qallupilluit (pronounced Kalloopooleet) is and Manuel explains that it’s part of an old Inuit story about an evil creature that lives in the ice cracks. Jarod asks Manuel if he has seen any visitors, other than himself — but Manuel becomes more and more aggravated. He makes his hurt hand bleed and Joe Taylor tells him that he’d better go back to see the doctor about it. Taylor asks Jarod what he did to Manuel. As they talk, Manuel returns and he’s nearly paralyzed with fear. He tells them both that the Qallupilluit “got doc.” The infirmary is a mess … everything is turned upside down and broken — and on the floor there is a bloody scalpel. The doctor is nowhere to be found, but there is a large trail of blood, leading out the door and to the incinerator – which is in full operation. Inside they can see what looks like a human skull …
Back inside the station, the Captain has gathered everyone together. Jarod says that the doctor’s death was no “accident” — and soon everyone is suspicious of everyone else. Manuel points out that he’s seen someone else – a man, coming and going with the Inuits … Manuel and Joe Taylor saw the man come in with the Inuits, but neither saw him leave the station. Just then, the lights begin to flicker … The Captain gets a gun from a locked case, loads it, then tells Joe Taylor to check on the generator and bolt the door to the mechanical room. He tells Manuel to salvage what he can from the infirmary and says that when they are done, everyone is going to stay together until help arrives. At The Centre, Miss Parker is asking Broots about the video feed from her Father’s office – the part where they were talking about Major Charles. Broots says that someone sent the feed as an e-mail to on off-site location and he was able to replay it. He knows that the feed was sent to Jarod and that Major Charles found out about something called the “Alpha Project” — something being run from an arctic research station that is funded by The Centre. Miss Parker wants Major Charles and tells Sydney and Broots that they are going …
In the mechanical room at the research station, Joe Taylor is checking on the generator. Someone enters and Joe Taylor tells them that everything is going according to plan … with the exception of Jarod. Joe Taylor ends up getting hit the same way that Smitty did.
Back at The Centre, Miss Parker is taking what is supposed to be the gun that was used to murder her Mother out of her desk drawer — she is interrupted when her Father walks in. Mr. Parker is surprised to see the gun and they end up talking about the situation. Miss Parker tells her Father that she is going to Ellesmere Island … she asks him what he’s really afraid of … that she may find Major Charles, or the truth? She leaves.
Jarod finds Beth … they talk, and Jarod asks her what she thinks is going on at the research center. Beth is unable to explain it, other than to say that whatever it is, it frightens her. Jarod shows her the picture of his Father and asks her if she has seen him. She tells him that she thinks he was with the Inuits when they were there last — and that maybe she saw the Captain give him a package. She also overheard the doctor telling the Captain that he should never have let him in there – that he was dangerous. As they are talking, the power goes out … in a moment, the emergency lights come on. Beth and Jarod head for the mechanical room and find Joe Taylor dead — his body is shorting out the generator. As Beth and Jarod check the body, the Captain and Manuel come in. Manuel loses it and begins blaming the Captain – saying that he was the one who sent Joe Taylor to the mechanical room. He attacks the Captain, who shoots him in the shoulder. The Captain then turns the gun on Jarod and Beth, saying that since he knows he is not the killer – it must be one of them. Jarod tries to convince him to let him look at Smitty’s body – to figure out who the killer really is – but it’s to no avail. The Captain says he is going to lock everyone in the storage locker until he can figure out what to do. At the storage locker, the Captain realizes that the door is already open when it shouldn’t be. He soon realizes that the explosives that should be in the storage locker, aren’t there anymore — and it dawns on him that maybe they are not alone in the station after all. Jarod examines Smitty’s body as Beth puts a dressing on Manuel’s shoulder. The captain says that both the generators are blown and passes out coats. Jarod tells them that he has found the Qallupilluit — but to find the murderer, they’ll have to find a dead man.
In the Centre’s jet, Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney are on their way to the research station. The pilot tells her that she’s going to have to land until the weather clears. Miss Parker is not happy about that. Sydney says that “if we can’t get in … they can’t get out.”
Back at the infirmary, Jarod is explaining what he meant. He tells everyone that Smitty did not die from smoke inhalation, as the doctor claimed … that he was already dead before the blaze started. He goes on to explain that the scalpel that was supposedly used to murder the doctor has the wrong blood type on it … which means that the doctor faked his own death and is still alive. Jarod confronts the Captain, saying that he knows more than he’s been saying and asks him about Major Charles. He tells the Captain that Major Charles is his Father.
The pilot tells Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney that it will be another 24 hours before they can get a helicopter in there. Miss Parker is thinking about everything that brought her to this point … she feels as though something ominous is going to happen.
Still in the infirmary, the Captain is explaining … he tells Jarod that he and Major Charles were in the “Circle of Fire” unit together in the Air Force …The Captain thought that Major Charles had been murdered not long after Jarod ‘disappeared’ — but knew better when Major Charles contacted him recently – a little over a year prior. Major Charles explained to the Captain what The Centre had done – to him and to his family – said that he had never stopped looking for Jarod and had found out about what was really going on at the research station. To help him, the Captain got himself transferred to the research station — the Major and the Captain planned to expose the project and reunite the Major with his family. The Captain moves a cabinet and exposes the doorway that is behind it … it leads to a research area, which is hidden below the station – it is possibly the first station – the one upstairs was built right over the remains of an older one. The Captain says that he found it several weeks ago and was able to find the evidence that the Major wanted — about what was really going on at the station. Everyone heads downstairs to see. Jarod quickly figures out what all of the equipment is for … and says that Dr. Moore was working on genetic research … on the human genome project — but the Captain corrects him and says that Dr. Moore had actually finished the project – had successfully identified the genetic DNA blueprint. But before the Captain can say what the project was to be used for, he is shot … by the doctor!! The doctor tells everyone that he’s set a timer to blow the station up — they have 3 minutes! Jarod asks him what he has done to his Father – and the doctor confesses that he was unable to do anything to Major Charles. Then he points the gun at Beth, intending to shoot her, too, but the Captain has managed to regain consciousness long enough to shoot the doctor instead. The Captain gives Jarod a two-way radio, tells him to contact his friends at the nearby Inuit camp and urges him to get Manuel and Beth out of the station before it blows up. He gives Jarod his “circle of fire” ring to give to his daughter along with a picture of him and his daughter in front of the Osborne flight school – Jarod promises that he will. Jarod wants to know what his Father found at the station and the Captain tells him that Dr. Moore wasn’t just working on the genome project … he was working on Jarod’s genome … he also tells Jarod that he sent Major Charles to stay with his daughter – and that Jarod will find him there, then he dies. Jarod, Manuel and Beth race to get out of the station in time …
To be continued…
Date: 05.22.1999
Writer: Mark Dodson
Director: Rodney Charter
The night this episode air it aired with the two hour season finale because the story connects.
James Whitmore Jr. who plays Captain Osbourne has worked on The Pretender directing may of the episodes.
Through Angelo, Jarod learns that his father was at a Centre research facility on Ellsmere Island.
We find out the Centre is working on the human genome.. but not any human… Jarod!
Names & Occupations:
- Jarod Meade – Climatologist
Last Name Origin:
- N/A
- Someone who knew his father.
James Whitmore Jr. (Captain Osborne)
Joan Karp (Elderly Twin #1)
Clint Howard (Smitty)
Pamela Gidley (Brigitte)
Sandra Medvedev (Elderly Twin #2)
Craig Ng (The Inuit)
Greg Serano (Manuel)
Charles Janasz (Doc)
Jessica Cushman (Beth Wright)
Rockmond Dunbar (Joe Taylor)
Dan Wilson (Helicopter Pilot)
Robin Trapp (Jet Pilot)