By: Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W Van Sickle
But while Jarod is capable of becoming anyone he wants to be, the heart-rending truth is – he doesn’t know who he himself is. Stolen as a child and raised and exploited for his genius by The Centre, the now free Jarod vows to discover the truth about who he is, where he came from and the location of his real family.
But much like the challenges Jason Bourne faces, seeking answers about his identity and taking care of the wrongs he’s trying to right, Jarod’s path in the outside world is fraught with roadblock after roadblock. The dangerous worlds he infiltrates as a Pretender are rife with intense scrutiny, constantly threatening his complex ruses to exposure.
Then there are those who simply want Jarod dead.
All the while he must stay a step ahead of his relentless pursuers from The Centre, who want him recaptured at any cost – alive – preferably.
Leading The Centre hunt for Jarod is the sexiest woman on the planet, the complex, bitch-on-wheels, Miss Parker, a tenacious woman Jarod has known since childhood. Theirs is a truly multifaceted cat and mouse relationship – one driven by Jarod who holds the key to many of the emotional secrets at her very core, secrets that fuel her relentless drive to recapture him.
Since her mother’s suicide at age 12, Miss Parker has long sought the acceptance and respect of her iron-fisted father, the man who runs The Centre and who is a master manipulator of his daughter’s increasingly vulnerable feelings surrounding her quest for his love. In Miss Parker’s mind, excising the demons of her past and present and the key to Daddy Parker’s love boil down to one thing: recapturing Jarod. And while hell hath no fury like Miss Parker, deep down inside her reside complex issues with her buried feelings for Jarod – the boy she shared her very first kiss with.
For Jarod, Miss Parker is a constant tightrope he walks – at once trying to open her eyes to family and Centre lies, while also dealing with those same feelings for her – feelings with deep roots in his own boyhood.
One thing is certain – theirs is a pursuer/pursued relationship like no other before it – one that goes far beyond say, Inspector Gerard and his Fugitive. The Jarod/Miss Parker chase is a scintillating one, teeming with lies, secrets and answers – all bound together by emotional ties and mutual scars.
Alongside Miss P on The Centre side of The Pretender – Rebirth is Sydney, Jarod’s surrogate father figure and Centre psychologist who raised Jarod and nurtured his genius for The Centre’s disreputable purposes. To Jarod, Syd is both friend and foe, confidante and captor, counselor and betrayer. But Syd’s calm paternal connection to Jarod remains strong, often in conflict with The Centre’s mandate to bring Jarod back in at any cost.
For Jarod, he senses Sydney holds the emotional keys to his core – the truth about his past and the identity of his natural birth parents he was stolen from and whom he longs to reunite with.
While Sydney accepts and struggles with the guilt over his part in Jarod’s tumultuous Centre life, he also claims not to have known the deadly consequences behind Jarod’s Centre work or to know the answers to Jarod’s origins.
During Jarod’s upbringing at The Centre from age 4, Sydney oversaw all of Jarod’s care and work. The work known as simulations. Much like a computer would be used to crunch data to arrive at answers, in simulations, Jarod would immerse himself into a given real life scenario and emotionally connect to the human variables in that situation to arrive at answers to explain a tragic event or a solution to prevent it.
In The Pretender – Rebirth Jarod discovers that survival in the outside world will require all of his extraordinary skills and brilliance. It will require tenacity and guile, risk and fearlessness, keen human instinct and yes, even a little help from his new friends. Rebirth is at once an enthralling tale of one man’s exploration of life around him, intricate suspenseful mystery and intense edge-of-your-seat thrill ride – a fast-paced novel that captures and reignites the cult hit TV series for both the loyal generation of Pretender fans who’ve long awaited Jarod’s return and for a new generation of readers about to discover what many before them already have…
There are Pretenders among us…
Rebirth Excerpt by JR on Scribd
Saving Luke
By: Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W Van Sickle
In The Pretender – Saving Luke, Jarod continues his search for the truth about who he is and to explore freedom with the pure wonderment of the man/child he is.
But much like the challenges Jason Bourne faces, seeking answers about his identity and taking care of the wrongs he’s trying to right, Jarod’s path is fraught with roadblocks from those who want to recapture him.
Leading the Centre hunt for Jarod is the sexiest woman on the planet, the complex, bitch-on-wheels, Miss Parker. Theirs is a pursuer/pursued relationship bound together by emotional ties, mutual scars and an unspoken passion for each other.
Alongside Miss P on the Centre side of The Pretender – Saving Luke, is Sydney, Jarod’s surrogate father figure and Centre psychologist who raised Jarod and nurtured his genius for the Centre’s disreputable purposes. But in The Pretender – Saving Luke, Jarod’s patience with Sydney roils with anger over lack of answers to Jarod’s past and the identity of his natural birth parents he was stolen from.
The Pretender – Saving Luke, is at once an enthralling tale of one man’s exploration of life around him, intricate suspenseful mystery and intense edge-of-your-seat thrill ride – a fast-paced read that captures and ramps up the cult hit TV series for both the loyal generation of Pretender fans and for a new generation of readers discovering what many before them already have…
There are Pretenders among us…
Saving Luke Excerpt by JR on Scribd
The Centre Chronicles
The Team

Jenna Busch
Jenna Busch is the Entertainment Editor for Fan Voice and co-hosts ‘Cocktails With Stan’ with the legendary Stan Lee. She’s covered all things geek for sites like Zap2it, After Buzz TV, Screen Crave, Inside Horror, Huffington Post, AOL, Popeater, Newsarama, JoBlo, Blastr, UGO, IGN, Moviefone, SheKnows, Coming Soon, Screen Junkies, Famous Monsters and Geek Week, Inside Horror and more. Member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association (BFCA) and a board member of the Broadcast Television Critics Association (BTJA). She has appeared on ‘Attack of the Show’ and the premiere episode of ‘Tabletop’ with Wil Wheaton, Grant Imahara and Sean Plott, a guest on ‘Geek DIY’ with Bonnie Burton and a winning contestant on Jace Hall’s ‘Fan Wars.’ She has two stories in the comic anthology, “Womanthology,” and is about to publish a full length graphic novel. She’s been a guest host on G4’s Fresh Ink, PODCrash, Full of Sith, GeekNation, Schmoes Know, My Geek Lady, ComiCenter, JoBlo Movie Podcast and more. A New York transplant living in Los Angeles, Jenna has been on many sides of the entertainment industry. Makeup artist, (don’t stand too close, or she’ll glue something to you) actor, (stopped because she felt that replacing body parts with silicone was the first step towards becoming a cylon) and finally writing, which allows her to work in her pajamas.
You can find Jenna on Twitter @jennabusch and on her blog at You can read her work at Voice.Fan.TV.

Jeffrey Henderson
An award winning illustrator and storyteller, Jeffrey Henderson’s career has included a wide- ranging assortment of comic book, videogame, animation, advertising and feature film projects. Some of Henderson’s major film credits include: ‘Twilight/ Eclipse’, ’30 Days of Night’ and the upcoming ‘Crossbones’ with David Slade, ‘Inception’ for Christopher Nolan and ‘After Earth’ with M. Night Shyamalan, to name just a few.
He has also worked with Sam Raimi on a number of projects, including ‘SpiderMan 3 & 4’, ‘World of Warcraft’ and most recently, ‘OZ, The Great and Powerful’.
He has taught courses on storyboarding and visual storytelling at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA, as well as The University of the Nations in Kana, Hawaii.
Mr. Henderson is also an accomplished voice actor, (SAG/ AFTRA), and a successful singer/ songwriter, (ASCAP). He has contributed vocal performances, songs and music to a number of film, TV and videogame projects.
“Good Morning Kalifornia”, the debut record from his band, The Wrongway Saints, will be released this fall on !Viva La Biscuit! Records.
He lives in Los Angeles with two little super- villains disguised as housecats and entirely too many guitars.
You can find Jeffrey on Twitter @PlanetHenderson and on Tumblr