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Name: Donoterase

Location: 50 miles from The Centre

Status: Centre Owned

Donoterase is a Centre facility which is located in a rural region approximately 50 miles from The Centre.

Donoterase is a lab facility which has been built under a barn on a rural farm to keep it away from prying eye. There Dr. Raines has worked on a project called Gemini which Catherine Parker was opposed to.

Dr. Raines was endeavoring to perfect cloning. When he was able to successfully clone Jarod the boy was kept on sight to be trained to use his Pretender skills for The Centre.

Major Charles, Jarod, Broots, and Miss Parker all discovered Donoterase’s location and while Broots and Miss Parker are subject to Centre oversight; Major Charles and Jarod are not. They infiltrated the site and discovered Project Gemini. They managed to escape the facility though Jarod was shot.

The Gemini subject was kept at Donoterase a short time longer before attempting to transport him to Triumvirate facilities in Africa; however, Jarod was able to abduct the Gemini subject, though Major Charles was captured.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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