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Subject: Davey Simpkins

Name: Davey Simpkins
Ability: Genius Ability/Empathic/Possible Pretender
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Status: At large


Davy Simpkins was a vital to the restart of the Prodigy Project. Davy, like Jarod and the other “Unlucky Ones”, was a child genius. Dr. Raines and Dr. DeWitt (of NuGenesis) were hoping to be able to use Davy to re-establish the Pretender Project. Davy was in foster care, but no mention was made as what had happened to his natural parents. After Jarod rescued him from Angel Manor, where Davy was being held before being transported to The Centre, Davy was then turned over to the Brewsters, and adoptive family whom Jarod had met while working briefly at NuGenesis himself. Jarod provided the Brewsters with the cash they would need to start a new life under assumed names, and to set up a trust fund for Davy.

It’s unknown at this time if Jarod and Davy are genetically matched (i.e., if they have the same familial or even parental lines), but we know they both carry the “anomaly” in their blood that predisposes them with “the gift” to be pretenders.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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