Do you have a question?

  • Post published:October 18, 2024
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Post category:Q&A

Do you have a question about the Pretender? Keep in mind, I’m a fan too. Occasionally, I know more and I think I’ve rebuilt this site enough to have a lot of things memorized.

I do keep meaning to rewatch it all but I wish it was all digital because pulling out all those DVD is sooo much work. 😉

For some reason, I keep missing emails so I thought I’d give you all the chance to ask questions on the “blog” where I can answer directly.


I have been a Pretender fan from the beginning. Jarod's story hooked me immediately and I started my PHQ journey on the then NBC message board for "The Centre" where fans could chat or roll play. My friend and I developed a whole story with friends online and eventually I started building a site mainly for the show but with a section with RP information for all those involved. As our online RPG faded that section eventually did too but my passion for The Pretender has not and I have revamp and moved this site 4 times: Geocities, ThePretenderCentre, Weebly and now my own hosting.