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Subject: Thomas Gates

Name: Thomas Michael Gates “Tommy”
File No: 5522
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 170lbs.
DOB: July 5, 1962
DOD: May 8, 1999
Status: Deceased

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There is not much to know about Thomas except before he met Miss Parker he was a carpenter who’s work was being sabotaged and in the progress a little boy lost his legs. Jarod helped Thomas find out the truth and stop the perpetrators.

In January of 1999, Thomas Michael Gates (Tommy) moved to Blue Cove and met Miss Parker at a gas station. Thomas was immediately drawn to Miss Parker. Despite Miss Parker’s cold remarks, Thomas persisted and she met him in the woods to look at the stars. They got to know each other and fell in love. Thomas got a job in Seattle and wanted Miss Parker to come to Seattle with him, she decided to and then in May of 99, she woke up to find Thomas murdered. She discovered with Jarod’s help that the Centre was behind his murder.

In January of 2000, Miss Parker, with the help of Jarod, started to uncover the truth about Thomas’ death. While, Brigitte was dying she confessed that she was the trigger man, but the orders had come from above.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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