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Name: Tashman Farm

Location: Upstate New York

Status: Centre Surveilled

The Tashman Farm is owned by Harriet Tashman a long time friend of Catherine Parker. Catherine is the one who introduced Major Charles and Margaret to Harriet. Catherine wanted Harriet to help Jarod’s parents keep hidden from the Centre while the searched for Jarod.

Harriet owns the Tashman Farm and put Major Charles and Margaret up there for a time.

While there Joe Bill saw a small child watching him from the window. While staying at the Tashman Farm Jarod and Kyle’s sister Emily was born.

Jarod discovered this location in May of 1997. When Jarod reunited with Kyle he took Kyle to the farm.

The farm is of interest in case Jarod, Major Charles, or Margaret return to this location.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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