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LOCATION FILE: St. Catherine’s of the Hills

Name: St. Catherine’s of the Hills

Location: Hillshire Meadows, Massachusetts

Status: Centre Surveilled

This half-monastery half-nunnery was where Catherine Jameson-Parker and Harriet Tashman studied to become nuns. Catherine didn’t go through with her vows, and instead married Mr. Parker. Harriet did become a nun, but gave up her commission when she realized she didn’t really have the calling for it.

The Centre, knowing about Catherine Jameson-Parker’s close ties to the facility, kept a wire-tap on the phone lines at St. Catherine’s for over 30 years (and it’s probably still active).

In 1997, when Kyle escaped from prison, Harriet returned to St. Catherine’s — either to seek refuge or to contact her associates there (or both), we’re not sure — and Kyle (dressed as a monk) found and kidnapped her from there. Jarod also arrived at the place just moments before Harriet was kidnapped, and attempted without success to stop Kyle.

It may be possible that Jarod’s mom, dad, and sister Emily are cloistered away in St. Catherine’s, or that others (whom we haven’t met yet) are working out of St. Catherine’s for Jarod’s benefit.

When Harriet was able to set up a meeting between Jarod and his family in Boston, it’s assumed that she went to St. Catherine’s to do it. Mr. Parker told his superiors that he had found about Jarod’s Boston rendezvous via the phone tap The Centre kept on St. Catherine’s.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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