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Project Rumor


The Rumor Project was a Centre Operative who answered to a higher person in the Centre. “Rumor” was the code name for this person and is believed to be involved with the death of Big Mutumbo, the set up of Mr. Parker for Big Mutumbo’s murder and the murder of Thomas Michael Gates.

Jarod left Miss Parker a card that said “Thomas Gates Restoration – Where everything old is new again. – (302) 555-0110” and on the other side it says “RUMOR 58259”. Sydney realized that RUMOR would be the operative on the case and the numbers… could be for a Centre Audio Phone Tap File. Broots acquire the Phone Tap File for Miss Parker and plays it:

Thomas: “Yeah, Parker and I are going away for the week end, so we’ll talk when I get back.”

Jarod: “Okay buddy. I’ll see you again soon.”

Thomas: “You take care Jarod.”

Miss Parker is stunned to learn that Thomas is a friend of Jarod’s. Miss Parker returns home to find Brigitte and her father. When asked about RUMOR 58259, her father plays dumb while Brigitte tells her what Sydney told her.

Back at the Centre, Broots informs Miss Parker that there is a Z3 File that will tell her the identity of Rumor. When Miss Parker returns home she finds the Z3 File Broots had mentioned. Inside Miss Parker learns who Rumor is and goes to confronted Brigitte; who she finds in labor and dying. Miss Parker asks Brigitte if she killed Thomas and Brigitte confesses. She also informs Miss Parker that the order came from inside The Centre and she never knew who sent her the order. Brigitte dies just before Cox and her father show up. Mr. Parker informs Miss Parker that Rumor tried to set him up for the death of Big Mutumbo when Rumor is actually the assassin.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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