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Project Mirage

Status: Suspended Project
File Number: 7677
Open: 1970
Recent: May 2000

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The Mirage Project was for the purpose of trying to create a pretender with the inner sense or “voices” that Catherine Parker possessed. Catherine Parker faked her death on April 13, 1970.

After her “death” she confided in Mr. Raines that she believed that Mr. Parker had impregnated her with Major Charles’, Jarod’s father, seed. She was correct and she was now carrying a child, however, she also told Raines that she believed her husband was going to kill her as soon as the new child was born.

She informed Jarod of the voices and of the brother that he and Miss Parker would share. She wished for Jarod to share this information with Miss Parker. However, Raines wiped Jarod’s short-term memory and so Jarod was unable to remember any of this until Sydney helped him in May 2000.

Catherine Parker did not live much longer after the birth of Ethan. The Centre ordered that Mr. Raines kill her after she gave birth. He complied.

Ethan was placed with foster parents who gave Raines total access to Ethan. Raines manipulated Ethan into doing terrorist acts with the incentive that Raines could stop the voices in Ethan’s head.

This project continued up until May of 2000, when Jarod’s little sister, Emily, discovered Ethan’s existence and in turn led Jarod to Ethan. Ethan fled with Jarod and the two are currently on the run. This project has been suspended until our subject is returned or a new candidate has been located.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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