Louis King Rue

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Subject: Louis ‘King’ Rue

Name: Louis ‘King’ Rue
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Farm Caretaker/Civilian

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Louis is the caretaker at the Oakview Lodge in Stone Mountain, Georgia, he was around when Margaret and Charles stayed at the Lodge while they spent six months trying to get a baby at NuGenesis. When Jarod arrived at the Lodge looking for information about his past, he showed Lewis a photograph of Margaret. Louis reacted immediately, “Oh, my lord, you must be baby Jarod!” Louis explained to Jarod how he had come to know and like Margaret and Charles, and how Charles had once saved his life.

Louis also told Jarod that Jarod didn’t look anything like Margaret or Charles, but added that they loved Jarod very much. He gave Jarod a photograph of Margaret and baby Jarod in which Charles is seen as a shadowy out-of-focus image reflected in the glass of the windows behind Margaret.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Major Charles

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Subject: Major Charles

Name: Major Charles
File No: 4389
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Grey
Status: Civilian Pilot

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Major Charles and Margaret went to the NuGenesis Family Group, in 1959, because they wanted children. It was a success and Jarod was born. They also had another son after Jarod named Kyle. A while after Jarod and Kyle, Charles and Margaret had a little girl which they named Emily (1969).

Before Emily, their two sons were stolen from their home. They worked with Harriet Tashman and Catherine Parker to try and save their sons. Margaret and Emily lost contact with Major Charles in 1970.

In May 99, Jarod found Major Charles at a Centre facility called Pakor. Together they discovered Donoterase and Jarod’s clone, who they then freed from the Centre. Major Charles remained with the young clone.

A year later, in May of 2000, Major Charles resurfaced when Emily was pushed out of a window. Jarod and Charles brought Emily to a safe hiding place where she could rest and get well. After the explosion in the subway, Charles has been untraceable.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Margaret

Name: Margaret
File No: 4390
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Red
Status: Jarod’s mother/Civilian

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Major Charles and Margaret went to the NuGenesis Family Group, in 1959, because they wanted children. It was a success and Jarod was born. They also had another son after Jarod named Kyle. A while after Jarod and Kyle Charles and Margaret had a little girl which they named Emily (1969).

Before Emily was conceived their two sons were stolen from their home. They worked with Harriet Tashman and Catherine Parker to try and save their sons. Margaret and Emily lost contact with Major Charles in 1970.

In May 97, Margaret saw her son, Jarod, from a distances and was over joyed. However, he tells her to run and she know that the Centre is near. Emily and she flee.

In 2001, Margaret picked up on a trail, which lead her to an island near Ireland. However, she soon discovered she was being tracked by the Centre and fled the island before Jarod could reunite with her. Margaret did see Miss Parker.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Michelle Stamatis

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Subject: Michelle Stamatis

Name: Michelle Stamatis
Ability: Clinical Psychologist
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Mother of Sydney’s son Nicholas

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Michelle Lucca had worked for The Centre as a clinical psychologist, and had been assigned to help Sydney with The Pretender Project until 1974 when she suddenly vanished without a trace.

In March 1998, Sydney goes looking for Michelle and discovers a birth certificate for a boy named Nicholas. Michelle is listed on the birth certificate as the mother but there is no father listed.

Sydney goes to Michelle’s house and confronts her about Nicholas. She explains that when she discovered that she was pregnant with Sydney’s child, she rushed back from her doctor’s office to The Centre to tell him, but had been intercepted by a man she had never seen before. This man somehow knew about her pregnancy already, and told her she had to leave The Centre. The Centre would see to her re-location, would let her keep her son, and even set up a trust fund for him IF she agreed never to see Sydney again. Sydney, the man told her, had to be kept focused on The Pretender Project, and a son would only distract him from his work. Michelle, at first, was reluctant to leave and the man then threatened that if she didn’t go, he would see to it that Sydney had a “terrible accident.” So she left.

Michelle then explains that she is now married to a man named George who she loves and who is raising Nicholas as his own. Sydney agrees not to push the issue.

In November of 1998, George Stamatis is hospitalized and is dying. Sydney goes to the hospital to see Michelle and George. Nicholas ends up finding out that Sydney is his biological father.

In January of 1999, Michelle and Sydney are brought together again when Nicholas is abducted all with a group of teachers in the Appalachian Hills. Jarod appears to help facilitate the return of the teachers and save Nicholas.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mike Bodie

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Subject: Mike Bodie

Name: Mike Bodie
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian

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Mike Bodie, a Native American man who linked up with Jarod through an internet website, and supplied Jarod with information about Jarod’s father, Major Charles. Unlike the image of the murderous man painted by Mr. Fenigor, Mike told Jarod that his father was a hero who had once saved his life. Mike gave Jarod a “dream catcher” that had been hand-crafted by Major Charles, and showed him the cave in which Charles went on a “dream quest” for find his missing son. Major Charles was also known to Mike as “Soaring Eagle” (because he was an air force pilot, and because the “eagle” dominated Charles’ dream quest).

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Mr. Hollis

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Subject: Mr. Hollis

Name: Mr. Hollis
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: White
Status: Civilian

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Mr. Hollis is the landlord at a trailer pak near the Skyvionics Testing Ground in Arizona, he was once involved with The Manhatten Project and the bombing of Hiroshima. A borderline paranoid, Mr. Hollis envisions all sorts of “conspiracies” around him. He believes, for example, that the spraying of malathion in California was not intended to kill or render sterile the pesky “med-flies” that were contaminating crops in the state. Instead, he believes that the government used the med-fly story as a cover-up to hide its illicit halcyon gas experiments on the general population. Mr. Hollis also believes that the government can watch civilians through their television sets with “reverse imaging devices”, and can subject civilians to hypnotic suggestions through “subliminal messages” sent through the TV. Although many consider Mr. Hollis a somewhat harmless “kook”, Jarod believed much of what Mr. Hollis told him… and gave Mr. Hollis a map showing the precise location of The Centre. Jarod told Mr. Hollis that The Centre, too, was a secret government-funded installation where illicit experimentation was taking place. “People should be made aware, if you know what I mean…” Jarod said. “I’ll spread the word,” Mr. Hollis promised, and Jarod told him, “I’m counting on it.”

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Nicholas Stamatis

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Subject: Nicholas Stamatis

Name: Nicholas Stamatis
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian Teacher/Sydney’s son

Related Files:


In March of 1998, Nicholas sees his mother with a man but doesn’t recognize the man although he thinks he sees him later at the campus he teaches at.

In November of 1998, Nicholas’s father, George Stamatis, is hospitalized and is dying. A man came to the hospital and Nicholas overheard that the man was his biological father. Nicholas refused to see his father, George, before he died, but Sydney convinced him that he should. Nicholas went to his “father’s” side before he died.

In January of 1999, Nicholas is kidnapped along with a group of teachers from Appalachian Hills. He ends up meeting a man named Lyle who tells him he can trust him. Nicholas ends up being saved by Jarod who Sydney leaves alone with Lyle. Nicholas accepts Sydney as his father and takes the pocket watch that was given to Sydney by Michelle.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Nia

Name: Nia
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian

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Nia is an Argentinean woman who had been kidnapped along with the rest of her family when she was a small child, and subjected to torture and rape by military guerrilla forces, before being dumped back into the care of people she didn’t know. Her parents “disappeared” and she hasn’t seen them since. She ran away from Argentina when she was a teenager and moved to the U.S. She now runs a hikers’ outfitting store in the Toluca National Forest, in Oregon.

Jarod met her when they were teamed up to search for a missing ornithology student named Victor in the mountains of the Toluca National Forest. During their time together Nia was able to see some of Jarod’s DSAs (of him as a child in The Centre) and he explained some of his past to her. When caught overnight in a forest cabin as a cold front blew in, Nia and Jarod made love.

The dynamics of that encounter were interesting from a psychological standpoint. As Jarod was unfamiliar with sex, it was Nia who initiated all contact between them. Jarod at first tried to avoid her kisses by explaining to her,”I’ve never….” Nia gave him a reassuring smile, and continued with her foreplay, eventually getting Jarod to relax enough to lay back on the floor… with Nia on top of him.

After the love-making, Jarod withdrew to another part of the cabin, distancing himself from Nia as he watched her sleep. When she awakened and went to him, he remained in a passive position, sitting on the floor at her feet, and made no attempt to initiate any contact himself. He simply looked up at her, dolefully, and accepted whatever attention and affection she was willing to offer him. She sat beside him, took his head onto her lap, and cradled him like a child. Eventually, he returned to the “bed” with her and slept there the rest of the night.

Jarod’s reaction to this interlude seems to indicate that although he wasn’t “afraid” of the sexual contact Nia offered, there was a part of him that was very uncomfortable with the whole situation, and needed a lot of guidance and reassuring throughout the night. It was another moment, too, when Jarod — once again — was reminded of just how much life experience he had been deprived of by The Centre. Although sexually fulfilled, he made it clear that he was not an altogether happy man at the moment.

The next morning, when the “threat” of immediate sexual contact was no longer present (as there were other people in the room), Jarod seemed much more at ease with Nia, smiling and joking with her even as they lay side-by-side on the floor.

After rescuing Victor and seeing to it that his attacker was incarcerated, Jarod left Nia in Oregon, explaining to her that there were people searching for him who might hurt her if they found out she’d been associated with him in any way. Although their parting was painful for both of them, Nia understood Jarod’s need to go and didn’t pressure him to stay. It was interesting, however, to see the moment when Jarod, realizing that Sydney and Miss Parker had found out where Nia lived, returned briefly to Nia’s cabin to make sure she was all right when Miss Parker and Sydney confronted her. He kept himself out of sight, but was at the ready to defend Nia if she needed him. Once sure that Nia was safe for the time-being, Jarod reluctantly turned his back on the cabin and left through the forest.

Nia later discovered that Jarod had left her the gift of a music box that played the tune “Three Blind Mice” ala The Three Stooges.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Sonny Herbert

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Subject: Sonny Herbert

Name: Sonny Herbert
Ability: Private Investigator
Sex: Male
Eye: Unknown
Hair: Grey
Status: Unknown

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In the 1960’s, Sonny was a private investigator in Louisiana who specialized in finding missing children. After Jarod was kidnapped, Margaret and Charles commissioned Mr. Herbert to find him. Sonny was not successful in his search for Jarod.

After Jarod escaped from The Centre, Sonny Herbert suffered one of the “convenient accidents” that seemed to plague anyone even remotely involved with Jarod and his family. Sonny was severely burned when he supposedly fell asleep smoking a cigarette. This “accident” was refuted by Sonny’s long-time (retired) secretary, who informed the authorities that Sonny was an insomniac and couldn’t never have fallen into a deep enough sleep to have resulted in his tragic burning. The authorities, however, dismissed the secretary’s worries stating that there was no record of insomnia in Sonny’s health files.

Immediately following the “accident”, Sonny’s Louisiana office was invaded by a group of men whom the property manager described as “vending machines with heads”; he especially noted a weird-looking bald man who carted around an oxygen tank behind him. The manager said then men had told him they looking for Sonny because he owed them money. They were in such a hurry to look through Sonny’s office, however, that they neglected to check through the records in the basement.

In 1996, Jarod — following a photographic clue faxed to him from The Centre by Angelo — found Sonny’s office, but discovered that the records in the basement didn’t include information on Jarod himself. Jarod later located the ex-secretary, and she told him Sonny was still in hospital recovering from his “accident.” Jarod went to visit Sonny in the hospital, but found that the man — severely burned and living in an oxygen tent — was unable to communicate. The medication he was on for the pain he suffered because of his burns made him drift in and out of consciousness; and when he was conscious, he wasn’t lucid. It’s unknown at this time if Mr. Herbert has fully recovered from his injury, or if Jarod has ever made a return trip to visit him.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Thomas Gates

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Subject: Thomas Gates

Name: Thomas Michael Gates “Tommy”
File No: 5522
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 170lbs.
DOB: July 5, 1962
DOD: May 8, 1999
Status: Deceased

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There is not much to know about Thomas except before he met Miss Parker he was a carpenter who’s work was being sabotaged and in the progress a little boy lost his legs. Jarod helped Thomas find out the truth and stop the perpetrators.

In January of 1999, Thomas Michael Gates (Tommy) moved to Blue Cove and met Miss Parker at a gas station. Thomas was immediately drawn to Miss Parker. Despite Miss Parker’s cold remarks, Thomas persisted and she met him in the woods to look at the stars. They got to know each other and fell in love. Thomas got a job in Seattle and wanted Miss Parker to come to Seattle with him, she decided to and then in May of 99, she woke up to find Thomas murdered. She discovered with Jarod’s help that the Centre was behind his murder.

In January of 2000, Miss Parker, with the help of Jarod, started to uncover the truth about Thomas’ death. While, Brigitte was dying she confessed that she was the trigger man, but the orders had come from above.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Zoe

Name: Zoe
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Red
Status: Civilian/Jarod’s girlfriend

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Zoe grew up in a regular family. She had an identical twin sister who she was very close to. When they were teenagers, her sister, Katie, climbed to the top of a cliff and then fell to her death. Zoe blamed herself for her sisters death and became distant from the rest of her family. She eventually ran away from home.

Zoe became involved with a cop named Vince, who treated her badly. When she worked up the courage to leave him he reported that she had robbed him. In November of 1999, Zoe ran into a cafe to try and escape her ex-boyfriend and was greeted by Jarod. Jarod decided that she needed his help and soon discovered that Vince wasn’t the only thing that Zoe was fighting. Jarod discovered that Zoe had been diagnosed with cancer and she wasn’t fighting it because she didn’t feel that she deserved to live because of her sister’s death. Jarod helped her to realize that she had to live and that she needed to be with her family. Zoe went to live with her grandmother. Jarod and Zoe fell in love while they were together.

In May of 2000, Jarod and Zoe went on vacation together. Major Charles contacted Jarod while he was with Zoe. Zoe told Jarod that she was in remission. Zoe said it was fine that Jarod go find his sister, because she knew it was important to him. Zoe returned to her grandmothers, where she was abducted from by Mr. Cox and Mr. Lyle. Major Charles saved her. We assume that she is back with her grandmother.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Dr. DeWitt

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Subject: Dr. DeWitt

Name: Dr. DeWitt
File No: 3921
Ability: Genetics and Fertility Specialist
Sex: Female
Hair: Blonde
Status: Civilian Contractor

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Dr. DeWitt is the daughter of Dr. Boris Haring (one of the co-founders of NuGenesis) and the niece of Dr. Nicholas Haring. She is currently working in tandem with Mr. Raines to re-establish the PRODIGY project and manufacture new pretenders. She is apparently living up to the legacy of her father, Boris, who had been working with The Centre on PRODIGY before his death.

Using the labs at NuGenesis to “screen” potential candidates’ genetic structure, she located and aided in the abduction and brain wave manipulation of a young boy (and potential Pretender) named Davy Simpkins. She oversaw Davy’s “therapy” at Angel Manor, and attempted to stop Jarod from assisting Davy with synapses-repairing drug therapy by trying to impede his escape from NuGenesis. Dr. DeWitt was unsuccessful is keeping Jarod from leaving NuGenesis, and it is not known if she has returned there herself to further her experiments.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Dr. Curtis

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Subject: Dr. Curtis

Name: Dr. Curtis
Ability: Criminal Psychologist
Sex: Male
Eye: N/A
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian Contractor

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Dr. Curtis has thus far made only a single appearance in The Centre, but put everyone on edge when he did show up there.

He’s a criminal psychologist who was hired by Mr.Raines to find out who shot at him in Boston (before Sydney’s bedside confession to Jacob). He questioned everyone at The Centre who was even remotely linked to the Boston scenario, including Sydney, Miss Parker and Broots. When he finished his work, however, he told Mr. Raines that he had been unable to determine, exactly, who had fired at Raines in Boston, and concluded that any one of the people he interviewed could have been the culprit. Mr. Raines then threw Dr. Curtis out of The Centre on his ear.

Shortly after his visit with Raines, however, Dr. Curtis showed up in San Francisco and was approached by Jarod (or someone who looked exactly like Jarod), who had been blackmailing Curtis into lying to Mr. Raines. We don’t know what Jarod had on Dr. Curtis, but it was enough to make him risk his life (by thwarting Mr. Raines) to get Jarod the information he wanted. Dr. Curtis turned his documentation over to Jarod, which indicated who had done the shooting in Boston. “We’re even…” Dr. Curtis then told Jarod with a weak smile, to which Jarod muttered threateningly, “…For now.”

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Subject: Damon

Name: Damon
Ability: Pretender/Assassin
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Status: Deceased

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Damon, and ex-pretender, now working for the Centre in assassins and in gathering information. In August of 1996, Damon helped the Centre get a simulation out of Jarod by harming a janitor named Kenny, who possessed a child like manner, but not before Damon convinced Jarod that the Centre would give him his freedom. When Jarod gave into the Centre’s demands, Damon pulled a gun and killed Kenny, telling Jarod that the Centre owned him and not to make it so hard the next time. Weeks later, Jarod escaped. In November of 1998, Damon starts stealing information from the Centre and tries to kill Broots in the process. Jarod comes to Broots’ rescue and they figure out where Damon plans on killing again. In an attempt to get away with his actions, Damon takes Broots hostage and tells Jarod that he will kill him. Jarod, not wanting Broots’ daughter to be without her father, kills Damon.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Name: Donoterase

Location: 50 miles from The Centre

Status: Centre Owned

Donoterase is a Centre facility which is located in a rural region approximately 50 miles from The Centre.

Donoterase is a lab facility which has been built under a barn on a rural farm to keep it away from prying eye. There Dr. Raines has worked on a project called Gemini which Catherine Parker was opposed to.

Dr. Raines was endeavoring to perfect cloning. When he was able to successfully clone Jarod the boy was kept on sight to be trained to use his Pretender skills for The Centre.

Major Charles, Jarod, Broots, and Miss Parker all discovered Donoterase’s location and while Broots and Miss Parker are subject to Centre oversight; Major Charles and Jarod are not. They infiltrated the site and discovered Project Gemini. They managed to escape the facility though Jarod was shot.

The Gemini subject was kept at Donoterase a short time longer before attempting to transport him to Triumvirate facilities in Africa; however, Jarod was able to abduct the Gemini subject, though Major Charles was captured.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Gemini

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Project Gemini

Status: active Project
Open: 1969
Recent: September 1999

Related Files:

Additional Info:



It has been our goal, since 1959, to successfully clone a human being. We hope to clone one of our Pretenders. We have set up facilities at the NuGenesis Family Group so that we might take and test samples of DNA. We have removed eggs from women for our research and are hoping that we can merge the DNA for one of our Pretenders with a fetus. We then place this into a surrogate mother where it will grow until it is born.


It has become evident that there is a flaw in our calculations. All of the clones have been deformed and have died. We are assuming that are initial beliefs that project Gemini will work are correct but it appears that we are leaving out a crucial step in our tests. We are now trying to determine where this step comes in. However, Mr. Raines asks us to lie about the “accidents”.



Catherine Parker was asking about the Project before her death. She was lied to about what was going on and so we think that she was trying to stop the project. It seems that someone didn’t want her to interfere. There is no further improvement on the clones.



The cloning process has improved some, however, none of the subjects have lived. One of our Pretenders ran a sim on cloning and deemed it possible. We know that we are on the right track. All the surrogates from the project have died, more are being found.


We have successfully cloned a Pretender. Mr. Raines will be working with him and training him. It seems that with the success of project Gemini, they have deemed the project “unimportant”. There are now two prodigies in the world.



There has been little contact and activity on Project Gemini until now. It seems that the Project has regained its place of importance. With the real Jarod on the run the mental abilities of the second are becoming a must. Major Charles has been snooping into the Project, but it is doubtful that he has discovered the truth.


September 1999

Jarod has escaped from our custody and is once again free. We did extract a sufficient amount of DNA from him to further study this pretender, though we fear our research will be starting fresh without a subject to test.


The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Prodigy

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Project Prodigy

Status: Active Project
AKA: Project Pretender
Open: Early 1960s
Recent: May 1998

Related Files:


Project Prodigy was discovered by Jarod when he came across the original 8 Red Files which are listed below. For in-depth information on this project go to our mission file Bloodlines. Additional Red Files from Raines’ continued and uncovered work can be found in our Red Files.

Subject: Angelo

Angelo was originally part of the Pretender program. He is tracked in a red file. Mr. Raines made references to the fact that Angelo’s “treatment” did not go as planned when someone questioned the treatment to be undergone by Davey Simpkins. Angelo is not a Pretender. He lost his personality when Raines gave him the electroshock treatments. He became an idiot savant. Angelo, however, does possess the ability to obtain other individual’s personalities.

STATUS: Detained

Subject: Dannie/Einnad

Another person tracked in a red file, Dannie or Einnad, as he called himself, was brought to the Centre in the 60’s with mild depression. Raines subjected him to mind-altering experiments in SL-27 until the sub-level burned in ’82. After that, Dannie was moved to a psychiatric hospital. He was no longer depressed, but exhibited psychosis and multiple personality disorder. His personality fractured into Dannie, a fragile child-like man, and Einnad, the more powerful and dangerous personality.

Mr. Raines took Dannie out of the psychiatric hospital, and moved him to a warehouse where he continued his experiments until Centre Operatives Miss Parker, Sydney, and Broots found him and returned him to the hospital, where he is under Sydney’s care.

STATUS: Hospitalized

Subject: Dara Andrews

There is not a great deal of information in Dara’s file. She was one of Catherine’s rescued children. Miss Parker enlists Broots’ help finding the children from her mother’s “rescued” files which sends her to find Dara. When she arrives at Dara’s adoptive mother’s home the woman recognizes her as Catherine’s daughter. Miss Parker learns Dara died from a sudden illness months prior. Dara’s mother had a bracelet Dara wore when Catherine brought her to her and on the bracelet was the engraving SL27.

STATUS: Deceased

Subject: Davey Simpkins

Davey Simpkins was the Centre’s latest attempt at creating a Pretender. Davey is a young boy who also underwent testing at NuGenesis, and was shown to possess the Pretender gene. Apparently, he is not a natural Pretender, because as soon as he was taken, Dr. Raines began drug and brain wave manipulation treatment.

STATUS: Escaped

Subject: Jarod

Jarod is a natural pretender. He was kidnapped from his family at the age of three. He was chosen because of tests taken at NuGenesis when he was a child, which revealed that he had the pretender gene. His care was taken over by Dr. Sydney Green, upon Jarod’s arrival at the Centre. His life consisted of plenty of intellectual stimulation, including exposure to thousands of simulations in which he was told to explain what he saw, what the people were feeling, and what happened.

STATUS: Escaped

Subject: Kyle

Kyle is the brother of Jarod, and also groomed to be a pretender. His care, however, was taken over by Dr. William Raines who stripped him of his morals and made him into a sociopath. Kyle was eventually put into a maximum-security prison where he managed to escape. Jarod and he did find each other. Centre Operative Mr. Lyle killed Kyle in May of ’98.

STATUS: Deceased

Subject: Miss Parker

Miss Parker is the daughter of Mr. Parker and Catherine Parker and works for the Centre. She is the twin to Mr. Lyle. Miss Parker was tasked with catching Jarod after his escape but has failed at every turn. Miss Parker seems to possess the ability Catherine Parker possess which has been named “Inner Sense.”

Recent findings indicate that Mr. Parker is not Miss Parker’s biological father but rather Abel Parker. Abel Parker is better known as Dr. William Raines.

STATUS: Operative

Subject: Mr. Lyle

Lyle was born to Mr. Parker and Catherine Parker along with his twin Miss Parker. He was taken at birth by Dr. William Raines and given to the Bowman family becoming Robert Bowman. Lyle is suspected of killing his best friend in high school and framing his adopted father (Lyle Bowman). Lyle is also a suspect in the slaying of his mail order bride and other. It is suspected Lyle is a cannibal.

Lyle has been successful in capturing Jarod twice though both times he’s let Jarod slip through his fingers. Recent findings indicate that Mr. Parker is not Mr. Lyle’s biological father but rather Abel Parker. Abel Parker is better known as Dr. William Raines.

STATUS: Operative

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Mirage

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Project Mirage

Status: Suspended Project
File Number: 7677
Open: 1970
Recent: May 2000

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The Mirage Project was for the purpose of trying to create a pretender with the inner sense or “voices” that Catherine Parker possessed. Catherine Parker faked her death on April 13, 1970.

After her “death” she confided in Mr. Raines that she believed that Mr. Parker had impregnated her with Major Charles’, Jarod’s father, seed. She was correct and she was now carrying a child, however, she also told Raines that she believed her husband was going to kill her as soon as the new child was born.

She informed Jarod of the voices and of the brother that he and Miss Parker would share. She wished for Jarod to share this information with Miss Parker. However, Raines wiped Jarod’s short-term memory and so Jarod was unable to remember any of this until Sydney helped him in May 2000.

Catherine Parker did not live much longer after the birth of Ethan. The Centre ordered that Mr. Raines kill her after she gave birth. He complied.

Ethan was placed with foster parents who gave Raines total access to Ethan. Raines manipulated Ethan into doing terrorist acts with the incentive that Raines could stop the voices in Ethan’s head.

This project continued up until May of 2000, when Jarod’s little sister, Emily, discovered Ethan’s existence and in turn led Jarod to Ethan. Ethan fled with Jarod and the two are currently on the run. This project has been suspended until our subject is returned or a new candidate has been located.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Rumor

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Project Rumor


The Rumor Project was a Centre Operative who answered to a higher person in the Centre. “Rumor” was the code name for this person and is believed to be involved with the death of Big Mutumbo, the set up of Mr. Parker for Big Mutumbo’s murder and the murder of Thomas Michael Gates.

Jarod left Miss Parker a card that said “Thomas Gates Restoration – Where everything old is new again. – (302) 555-0110” and on the other side it says “RUMOR 58259”. Sydney realized that RUMOR would be the operative on the case and the numbers… could be for a Centre Audio Phone Tap File. Broots acquire the Phone Tap File for Miss Parker and plays it:

Thomas: “Yeah, Parker and I are going away for the week end, so we’ll talk when I get back.”

Jarod: “Okay buddy. I’ll see you again soon.”

Thomas: “You take care Jarod.”

Miss Parker is stunned to learn that Thomas is a friend of Jarod’s. Miss Parker returns home to find Brigitte and her father. When asked about RUMOR 58259, her father plays dumb while Brigitte tells her what Sydney told her.

Back at the Centre, Broots informs Miss Parker that there is a Z3 File that will tell her the identity of Rumor. When Miss Parker returns home she finds the Z3 File Broots had mentioned. Inside Miss Parker learns who Rumor is and goes to confronted Brigitte; who she finds in labor and dying. Miss Parker asks Brigitte if she killed Thomas and Brigitte confesses. She also informs Miss Parker that the order came from inside The Centre and she never knew who sent her the order. Brigitte dies just before Cox and her father show up. Mr. Parker informs Miss Parker that Rumor tried to set him up for the death of Big Mutumbo when Rumor is actually the assassin.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Retrieval

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Project Retrieval

Status: Active Project
Open: September 1996
Recent: December 2001

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Project Retrieval focus’s on Jarod. He is classified as a pretender and can become anything he wants to be. He believes that because his research while living at the Centre, was used for unorthodox purposes that he owes a debt to society.

He is looking for his family. Last time we had a lead on him he had found his father; his brother, Kyle, who operative Mr. Lyle killed; his sister, Emily; his clone; and his newly found brother Ethan, who is also Miss Parker’s brother. Jarod is still currently in search of his mother, Margaret.

In 1996, Jarod escaped the Centre and took DSA’s that span his stay with The Centre. These DSA’s can prove the Centre’s involvement in many historical events, good and bad. We must retrieve Jarod and those DSA’s at all cost.

In May of 1999, Jarod was captured by Brigitte, but escaped by September of 1999.

Jarod has been spotted in locations all over the world but to date no sweeper has been able to catch him. Jarod was involved in the uncovering of ancient scrolls in December of 2001.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Silence

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Project Silence

Status: Active Project
Open: September 1999

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Project Silence was instituted due to Jason and Claire Nash discovery of Centre involvement in the Neptune Project that they were working on for NASA. They discovered our intentions and while we were in no immediate danger we knew that the trail would lead back to the Centre. The Nash’s have a daughter named Courtney and while we assumed she would be leverage Jarod had other plans and sent them away. We have been unable to locate the Nashs. We strive to silence them before they could testify to what they had discovered, however, Jarod escaped from the Centre and hindered our attempts.

Despite Jarod’s attempts to thwart us, we are still working on locating the Nash’s.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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Project Faith

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Project Faith

Status: Inactive Project
File Number: 04-621
DOB: January 13, 1962
DOD: May 17, 1970

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Faith was born January 13, 1962. She lived with her parents up until their deaths. She then became a ward of the state, and was diagnosed with leukemia. She was placed in a convalescent home where she was sent to die. Catherine Parker’s friends, Father Moore, heard about the little girl and told Catherine Parker about her. Catherine, in turn, told Mr. Parker that it could be their little girl in that nursing home.

Mr. Parker had the arrangements made for Catherine and him to adopt Faith. Faith was brought to the Centre where they used an experimental drug to try and save her.

On April 13, 1970, Catherine Parker “died” in the Centre’s main elevator leaving Faith motherless once again. In May of 1970, Miss Parker and Jarod went on a search for a dead body that had been brought to the Centre. Angelo helped them to find the “dead body”. Miss Parker and Jarod soon discovered that Faith wasn’t dead but sick. Jarod informed Miss Parker that Faith wouldn’t make it. Miss Parker gave Faith her mother’s rosary. Jarod, Miss Parker, and Angelo were with Faith when she died, still not knowing who she was to Miss Parker. Faith died on May 17, 1970.

In February of 1999, Miss Parker collapsed at the Centre due to internal bleeding from a ruptured ulcer. She had been sent the rosary that she’d given to Faith, by Jarod. She was rushed to the hospital where she was in critical condition for a while and nearly died. When Miss Parker awoke in the hospital she asked her father about Faith. He finally told her about Faith. Miss Parker swears that when her heartbeat stopped at the hospital she saw Faith.

Also, Jarod was in a plane crash at the same time and nearly died in the cold snowy wilderness. He too believes he saw Faith.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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