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Subject: Nicholas Stamatis

Name: Nicholas Stamatis
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian Teacher/Sydney’s son

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In March of 1998, Nicholas sees his mother with a man but doesn’t recognize the man although he thinks he sees him later at the campus he teaches at.

In November of 1998, Nicholas’s father, George Stamatis, is hospitalized and is dying. A man came to the hospital and Nicholas overheard that the man was his biological father. Nicholas refused to see his father, George, before he died, but Sydney convinced him that he should. Nicholas went to his “father’s” side before he died.

In January of 1999, Nicholas is kidnapped along with a group of teachers from Appalachian Hills. He ends up meeting a man named Lyle who tells him he can trust him. Nicholas ends up being saved by Jarod who Sydney leaves alone with Lyle. Nicholas accepts Sydney as his father and takes the pocket watch that was given to Sydney by Michelle.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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