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Subject: Mr. Hollis

Name: Mr. Hollis
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: White
Status: Civilian

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Mr. Hollis is the landlord at a trailer pak near the Skyvionics Testing Ground in Arizona, he was once involved with The Manhatten Project and the bombing of Hiroshima. A borderline paranoid, Mr. Hollis envisions all sorts of “conspiracies” around him. He believes, for example, that the spraying of malathion in California was not intended to kill or render sterile the pesky “med-flies” that were contaminating crops in the state. Instead, he believes that the government used the med-fly story as a cover-up to hide its illicit halcyon gas experiments on the general population. Mr. Hollis also believes that the government can watch civilians through their television sets with “reverse imaging devices”, and can subject civilians to hypnotic suggestions through “subliminal messages” sent through the TV. Although many consider Mr. Hollis a somewhat harmless “kook”, Jarod believed much of what Mr. Hollis told him… and gave Mr. Hollis a map showing the precise location of The Centre. Jarod told Mr. Hollis that The Centre, too, was a secret government-funded installation where illicit experimentation was taking place. “People should be made aware, if you know what I mean…” Jarod said. “I’ll spread the word,” Mr. Hollis promised, and Jarod told him, “I’m counting on it.”

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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