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Return to PHQ / Centre Access / Data Annex / Personnel Dossiers / Mr. Fenigor

Subject: Mr. Fenigor

Name: Mr. Fenigor
Ability: Facilitator
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Bald
Status: Deceased


In January of 1996, on DSAs from the time of Catherine Parker’s death, Miss Parker, Broots and Sydney discover the existence of Mr. Fenigor. Catherine had been working with Mr. Fenigor to rescue children from The Centre. Just before he was supposed to help Catherine rescue Angelo and Jarod, Catherine was murdered. Both Jarod and Miss Parker were attempting to find out more about Mr. Fenigor, but for a long while neither one of them had been able to find out exactly who he is. Miss Parker said she wasn’t certain if he was her mother’s friend or betrayer. And Jarod has said that finding Fenigor was paramount: “He holds the secrets to both our pasts.”

In May of 1998, Jarod lured Miss Parker to the Dover Town Bank, and there introduced her to Mr. Fenigor: a fragile-looking, wizened old man who had been banking at the facility (the same one in which Catherine Parker had a safe deposit box) for over two decades. Every Friday, Mr. Fenigor came into the bank to draw money out of his trust fund account: and account that was supplied with $10,000 every month (for 28 years) from, Jarod had discovered, Mr. Parker’s personal account. Mr. Parker was paying Mr. Fenigor “hush money”.

When Jarod and Miss Parker confronted Mr. Fenigor and both pleaded and demanded that he tell them what he knew about Jarod’s past and Catherine Parker’s death, Mr. Fenigor at first claimed he didn’t know what they were talking about, then tearfully (and very frightened) told them he simply couldn’t tell them anything. When the Dover Town Bank was taken over by bank robbers, Mr. Fenigor was shot, and Jarod and Miss Parker worked together to save his life. In response to their effort, Mr. Fenigor gave Jarod the key to his safe deposit box, and promised both Jarod and Miss Parker that if they could get him out of the bank alive, he’d tell them both everything he knew.

In his safe deposit box was a printout of the money-exchange transactions (regarding the “hush money”) that proved that Mr. Fenigor’s trust fund money was coming from The Centre, and more specifically, from Mr. Parker himself. The box also included some cash, a pocket watch, and a manila envelope with the word JAROD scribbled across the front of it. Jarod asked what the envelope contained, and Mr. Fenigor told him that it was information concerning PRODIGY. “This is where you came from,” he said.

The envelope Jarod had found contained information about a fertility clinic in Georgia called NuGenesis… a facility which worked hand-in-hand with The Centre on PRODIGY: an experiment to try to hyper-stimulate areas of the brains of specific children in the hopes of creating Pretenders out of them. Jarod was a natural Pretender, and was being used as a sort of human “blueprint” for the others.

When the bank robbery concluded, Jarod and Miss Parker saw to it that Mr. Fenigor, who needed medical attention, was aided by paramedics. Outside of the bank, on a gurney, on his way to an awaiting ambulance, Mr. Fenigor told Miss Parker that the information she was looking for was in the PRODIGY “Red Files”, but he was unable to tell her anything else. A sniper in the building across the street from the bank — who was a Centre operative — shot Mr. Fenigor. The bullet was diverted, however, thanks to a valiant effort by Broots, and although Mr. Fenigor was wounded by the Centre bullet, he didn’t die. He was later transported to the infirmary at The Centre and kept there under heavy sedation.

A barely conscious Fenigor told Miss Parker and Jarod that Catherine Parker had been murdered by “the man in the dark suit” whom Fenigor said was Jarod’s father.

In October of 1998, Fenigor reappeared in the Renewal Wing of The Centre… brainwashed into believing The Centre was an altruistic organization whose primary goal was to help people. He had no memory of his interaction with Catherine Parker, Miss Parker or Jarod.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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