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Subject: Major Charles

Name: Major Charles
File No: 4389
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Grey
Status: Civilian Pilot

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Major Charles and Margaret went to the NuGenesis Family Group, in 1959, because they wanted children. It was a success and Jarod was born. They also had another son after Jarod named Kyle. A while after Jarod and Kyle, Charles and Margaret had a little girl which they named Emily (1969).

Before Emily, their two sons were stolen from their home. They worked with Harriet Tashman and Catherine Parker to try and save their sons. Margaret and Emily lost contact with Major Charles in 1970.

In May 99, Jarod found Major Charles at a Centre facility called Pakor. Together they discovered Donoterase and Jarod’s clone, who they then freed from the Centre. Major Charles remained with the young clone.

A year later, in May of 2000, Major Charles resurfaced when Emily was pushed out of a window. Jarod and Charles brought Emily to a safe hiding place where she could rest and get well. After the explosion in the subway, Charles has been untraceable.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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