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Subject: Emily

Name: Emily
File No: 4589
Sex: Female
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Journalist/Civilian

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Emily was born shortly after Jarod and Kyle were taken. After her brother’s disappeared her mother and father fled to keep themselves alive. When Catherine Parker died in the elevator Major Charles was away from his family who had to flee. They lost contact.

It is believed that Emily grew up with her mother, and spent most of her life searching for her family. In May of 2000, Major Charles received a tip to the whereabouts of Emily. And on May 13, 2000, Major Charles called Jarod to give him the good news. Jarod immediately went to find Emily who had become a journalist. When he arrived at her work place he discovered that she had been pushed out of her second story window. The culprit was Mr. Lyle. Jarod also discovered Emily was following another man believing he too was her brother.

Emily became a problem for the Centre when she started to research Ethan. The Centre didn’t want anyone to know that Ethan was Major Charles and Catherine Parker’s son. Mr. Lyle pushed her out a second story window. Jarod found her and transferred her to a secured location where she was able to recover.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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