Name: Dr. Shafton
Ability: Psychiatrist
Sex: Female
Eye: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Status: Civilian Psychiatrist
Dr. Shafton is Sydney’s psychiatrist. Shortly before the shooting of Mr. Raines’ oxygen tank in Boston, Sydney had disclosed to Dr. Shafton that he often fantastized about murdering Raines. Dr. Raines had destroyed every subject he came in contact with at The Centre, Sydney claimed, and Sydney didn’t know how much more of Raines’ unethical dealings he could stand.
Sydney also confided in her that he was often frustrated and angry with Miss Parker because she, like her mother, pried into things that didn’t concern her. And he admitted to Shafton the wrong he did in helping The Centre keep Jarod a virtual prisoner for 30-years.
His confiding in Dr. Shafton is why she is a subject of interest.
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
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