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Subject: Big Mutumbo

Name: Big Mutumbo
Position: Founder/Triumvirate
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Status: Deceased


Big Mutumbo was the founder of the Triumvirate and the Centre. He ran everything from his home and base in Africa. Mutumbo was very interested in the Gemini Project and the Pretender Project. His wishes were always that Jarod be brought back to the Centre, as soon as possible.

During the Summer of 1999, while Jarod was at the Centre, Big Mutumbo relocated Mr. Parker and Mr. Raines to Africa, where he reeducated them both until Mr. Parker left. Mr. Raines returned and “religious” man, while Mr. Parker remained on the run. Big Mutumbo was murdered a short time later, his eyes were also gouged out.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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