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Subject: Ben Miller

Name: Benjamin Miller
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown/Grey
Status: Civilian

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Ben was a nurturing friend to Miss Parker’s mother, Catherine, and, we discovered in the second season, is possibly Miss Parker’s biological father.

He runs a bed and breakfast in Lake Catherine, Maine. Catherine Parker used to come to visit him every year around April and stay with him for several weeks at a time. When she went on these “rendezvous” to see Ben, she told her husband and daughter that she was visiting “Aunt Dorothy”.

Ben still keeps a room for Catherine at the bed and breakfast, and has photographs of her and memorabilia stashed throughout the place. When Miss Parker, with the help of Jarod, initially met Ben she was astonished to find her mother’s picture in a prominent place in the B&B’s front hall.

Miss Parker met up briefly with Ben again when Jarod sent her on something of a wild goose chase throughout the Eastern seaboard. Eventually, Miss Parker and Ben found one another in a cafe… where Ben gave Miss Parker the last little figurine to a music box that had once been Catherine Parker’s. When Miss Parker put the figurine into its place, and started the box up, music played and figurines danced… and then a secret compartment in the bottom of the box opened up. A note inside suggested that Miss Parker had been conceived during one of Catherine Parker’s spring rendezvous with Ben.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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