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Subject: Argyle

Name: Argyle
Sex: Male
Eye: Brown
Hair: Brown
Status: Civilian

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Argyle is an impoverished but wily opportunist. He found Jarod suffering from exposure in the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse. Jarod had been struck unconscious by some drug-running truckers and left to die in the parking lot in the cold of night. Argyle’s dog, “Dog”, found Jarod and alerted Arygle to Jarod’s whereabouts.

Believing Jarod to be someone with a “big brain” who was certainly valuable to someone else, Argyle nursed the feverish and (temporarily) amnesiac Jarod back to health… after he stole all of Jarod’s money, went through Jarod’s personal items, and absconded with Jarod’s cell phone. After watching some of the DSAs in Jarod’s Halliburton case, and linking “The Centre” images on the DSAs with the telephone number for “Sydney” or Jarod’s cell phone, Argyle called The Centre to see if they were interested in getting Jarod returned to them.

The call to Sydney was intercepted, however, by Brigitte and Mr. Raines, who offered Argyle the pitiable sum of $10-thousand in exchange for Jarod. Not knowing any better, and ignoring Jarod’s warnings that Brigitte was an assassin, Argyle agreed to turn Jarod over to Brigitte. When Brigitte arrived at the warehouse with a pair of Sweepers, she saw to it that Argyle was stuffed into the trunk of her sedan and left orders with Willie the Sweeper to kill Argyle as soon as she had Jarod in custody.

Jarod managed to escape from the warehouse, overcome Brigitte and her Sweeper Team, and let Argyle out of the trunk of the car. Jarod did not, however, allow Argyle to keep the $10-thousand. Instead, he donated to the local humane society in Dog’s name.

In February of 1999, Argyle resurfaced and contacted Jarod. Argyle needed Jarod’s help with some loan-sharks he owed money.

In February of 2000, Argyle contacted Jarod again about helping him find his missing girlfriend. Jarod assumed the identity of a private investigator to help Argyle.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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