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Subject: Alex

Name: Alex/The Chameleon
Ability: Pretender
Sex: Male
Eye: Blue
Hair: Brown
Status: Deceased


Alex was part of the Pretender Project. Jarod was a natural pretender and so he became our top priority; however, there were a few other pretenders that we obtained as follows: Alex, Angelo, Ethan, Dannie, Davy, Gemini, and Jarod. There were a few other possibilities; however they are deceased. Alex was taught from an early age that compassion was something not to be tolerated. Alex was used to take Jarod’s findings and use them against others.

In September of 1996, Jarod and Eddie tried to escape from the Centre. They included Alex in there plan, but on their way through the re-hydration area Alex feel from the platform. Jarod and Eddie assumed that he had died and continued their escape. Alex was discovered and sent to Africa where he became a human guinea pig.

In January of 2001, the past finally caught up with Mr. Parker, Eddie and Jarod as Alex tried taking revenge for playing “second fiddle” to Jarod and for Jarod and Eddie leaving him at the Centre. Alex killed Eddie and then planned to kill someone important to Jarod’s world, Miss Parker. Alex; however, didn’t get the chase. He fell to his death rather than to let Jarod save him.

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

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