Accessing Centre System...

Operating System

The Centre Operating System

Welcome Operative,

As you know you must have a level four clearance password to access this terminal. If you do not you will be tracked and dealt with. If you are thinking about betraying the Centre, we suggest you reconsider. Miss Parker, Sydney, and Mr. Broots may have survived their T-Board, but you may not be so lucky.

The Tower is the head offices of the Centre with a base office in Africa. If you need any more help please contact Mr. Broots, as he built this interface.

Use the terminal interfaces above to further your research for the Centre.

–The Executive Board Council

The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware

Accessing this system without proper clearance from the Triumvirate or a high level Centre official will result in immediate action and a T-Board review and may result in time spent on SL25 or in Renewal wing for re-education.
